Notice convening AGM 12 March 2007

To the shareholders                                             28 February 2007

| Ordinary General Meeting 12 March 2007                                       |
|                       | Notice is hereby given that the Annual General       |
|                       | Meeting of FIH Erhvervsbank A/S, CVR-NR. 17029312,   |
|                       | will be held on                                      |
|                       |        Monday 12 March 2007 at 16:00 p.m. at         |
|                       | the Company's registered office, Langelinie Allé 43, |
|                       | 2100  Copenhagen OE, for the following purposes:     |
|                       | Submission of the report of the Board of Directors   |
|                       | on the                                               |
|                       | activities of the company over the past year         |
|                       | Submission of the annual accounts for approval       |
|                       | Submission of the consolidated accounts              |
|                       | The motion to discharge the Board of Directors and   |
|                       | the Board                                            |
|                       | of Management                                        |
|                       | Proposal for distribution of profits                 |
|                       | The proposal of the Board of Directors that it will  |
|                       | be authorized to let the company acquire up to 10    |
|                       | per cent of its own shares at the market price       |
|                       | ruling at time of acquisition subject to a deviation |
|                       | of up to 10 per cent in the period until May 31,     |
|                       | 2008                                                 |
|                       | Election of members to the Board of Directors        |
|                       | Election of two State Authorized Public Accountants  |
|                       | as auditors                                          |
|                       | 9.   Proposals that may arise from the Board of      |
|                       | Directors or shareholders.                           |
| Re Point 7            | The members of the Board of Directors elected by the |
|                       | Company in General Meeting are elected for one year  |
|                       | at a time. The Board of Directors proposes           |
|                       | re-election of the following Members of the Board of |
|                       | Directors elected by the Company General Meeting:    |
|                       | 	Managing Director Hans Skov Christensen             |
|                       | 	The Executive Chairman of the Board of Kaupthing    |
|                       | Bank hf.                                             |
|                       | 	Sigurdur Einarsson                                  |
|                       | 	Managing Director Hans Ejvind Hansen                |
|                       | 	Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nielsen &     |
|                       | Nielsen Holding A/S 	Svend-Aage Nielsen              |
|                       | 	Managing Director and CEO of Kaupthing Bank hf.     |
|                       | 	Hreidar Már Sigurdsson                              |
|                       | 	Chairman of the Danish Employers' Confederation     |
|                       | 	Jørgen Vorsholt                                     |
| Re point 8            | The Board of Directors proposes re-election of       |
|                       | Deloitte Revisionsaktieselskab and Grant Thornton    |
|                       | Revisionsaktieselskab.                               |
|                       | The agenda of the General Meeting and the annual     |
|                       | accounts for 2006 together with the consolidated     |
|                       | accounts, the auditors' report and the annual report |
|                       | will be available for inspection at the company's    |
|                       | office not later than 8 days before the General      |
|                       | Meeting and will at the same time be sent to all     |
|                       | registered shareholders.                             |
|                       | Admission cards and ballot papers can be obtained up |
|                       | to and including 9  March 2007 against submission or |
|                       | delivery of the enclosed form to the company or      |
|                       | against presentation of appropriate documentation at |
|                       | the company's office (all business days between 10   |
|                       | a.m. and 4 p.m.).                                    |
|                       | Please find enclosed a copy of our Annual Accounts   |
|                       | 2006.                                                |
|                       | On behalf of the Board of Directors                  |

|                       | Yours sincerely                                      |
|                       | Hans Skov Christensen	                               |
|                       | Chairman	                                            |


notice convening agm 12 march 2007_underkrevet.pdf