CORRECTION: Orion Group Annual Report 2006 published

Correction: Pdf files attached. 

The Annual Report 2006 of the Orion Group is now available, and it will be
mailed to the registered shareholders and subscribers on Monday, 5 March 2007.
The Financial Statements 2006 part of the report comprises the official
Financial Statements, the Report by the Board of Directors and the Auditor's
Report, and a summary of stock exchange releases published in 1 July - 31
December 2006, which was the first financial period of Orion Corporation, and a
proforma report for the full year 2006, as well as a description of the
Corporate Governance of Orion Corporation.  The Financial Statements 
and the annexed company brochure on Orion are available in Finnish and English. 

Orion Corporation 
Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo


orion oyjn vuosiesite 2007.pdf orion oyjn tilinpaatos 2006.pdf orion company brochure 2007.pdf orion  financial statements 2006.pdf