Concerning call of the shareholders meeting

On the basis of articles 269 and 273 of the Commercial law and decision of the
management Board as of February 26th, 2007, (protocole No. V-1/2007), the
annual shareholders meeting of Joint Stock Company „Olainfarm”
(reg.No.40003007246, legal address: Rupnicu street 5, Olaine, LV-2114) is
called on April 13th, 2007, at 11.00 a.m.. The meeting is called by the
Management Board. 
	Agenda of the meeting is as follows:
1.	Report of the Management board on results of activity in year 2006.
2.	Approval of audited annual report for year 2006.
3.	Approval of audited consilidated annual report for year 2006.
4.	Division of profit of year 2006.
5.	Election of certified auditor for year 2007.
6.	Managemenet Board's report on budget and activity plan for year 2007.
7.	On increase of fixed capital.
8.	Approval of rules on increase of fixed capital.
9.	On conversion of registered shares into bearers shares.
10.	On issuing converted shares into public circulation and inclusion into
regulated market. 
11.	Approval of new edition of Statutes.
12.	On changesin the Council and election of the Council.
13.	Other questions.
Annual shareholders meeting will be held at JSC “Olainfarm” premisses at
Olaine, Rupnicu street 5. Registration of shareholders will take place from
10.00 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.. A passport or other ID (with photograph) indicating
name, surname and personal code of the shareholder must be produced at the
registraion. If the shareholdeer is represented by the authorised person, a
duly certified power of attorney for representation at the shareholders'
meeting must be produced at the registration desk. 
Shareholders who wish to participate at the annual shjareholders meeting with
voting rights have to register blocking of their shares with their securities
account holder before April 03rd, 2007. 
The projects of the decisions on the questions of the agenda of the Annual
shareholders meeting are available at Legal department of JSC “Olainfarm” at
Olaine, Rupnicu street 5, each working day from 9.00a.m. to 4.00 p.m., starting
with march 30th, 2007. 

Olaine, March 03rd, 2007.

Information prepared by 
Viktorija Zuka-Nikulina
Head of Legal department
Phone. 7013 870, 29473980
Fax 7013 777