TrygVesta statement

Statement of transactions by members of senior management and their
related parties in shares issued by TrygVesta and related securities,
cf. section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act.

The statement is based on reports received by TrygVesta from members
of its senior management today or yesterday:

| Name:                                      | Stine Bosse          |
| Senior management employee's position:     |                      |
|                                            | CEO                  |
| Relationship with senior management        |                      |
| employee (related party):                  |                      |
| ISIN code:                                 | DK 0060013274        |
| Type of security (share, option, etc.):    |                      |
|                                            | Share                |
| Nature of transaction (purchase, sale,     |                      |
| other):                                    | Purchase             |
| Trading date:                              | 01.03.2007           |
|                                            |                      |
| Market in which transaction was executed:  | The Copenhagen Stock |
|                                            | Exchange             |
| Number of securities traded:               | 347                  |
| Market value (DKK) of securities traded:   |                      |
|                                            | 149.557              |

Questions should be addressed to:
For further information; or contact TrygVesta
Investor Relations;

Investor Relations Officer
Ole Søeberg. Phone +45 4420 4520 and e-mail

Investor Relations Manager
Lars Møller. Phone +45 4420 4517 and e-mail


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