Kaupthing Banki - (KAUP 07 1115) New Money Market Listing eff. 5 March 2007

Issuer	Kaupthing Bank hf.
Date of admission	05.03.2007
Symbol	KAUP 07 1115
ISIN-code	IS0000013290
Orderbook ID	31627
Bond type	Bank bill, bullet
Market	ICEX Fixed Income
Size limits,- ISK
Issued	100.000.000,- ISK
Denomination	5.000.000,- ISK
Issue date	23. January 2007
First due date	15. November 2007
Number of due dates	1
Maturity date	15. November 2007
Interests calculated from	N/A
First interest payment date	N/A
Number of interest payments	N/A
Interest	N/A
Indexed	N/A
Name of index	N/A
Base index value	N/A
Dirty price / Clean price	N/A
Day count convention	Act/360
Call option	No
Put option	No
Convertible	No
Market making	No
Credit Rating (date)	23.02.2007, Moody's, P-1
Securities depository	Icelandic Security Depository
Issued electronically 	Yes
ICEX member responsible for admission to trading	Kaupthing Bank hf.


SecuritiesNote KaupthingBank March.2007.pdf RegistrationDocument Kaupthing.Bills March.2007 .pdf