Financial Statements 2006

To OMX Copenhagen Stock Exchange                                                
Stock Exchange Announcement No. 5/2007                                          

Today the Board of Directors of Maconomy A/S has reviewed the Annual Report for 
2006. In 2006 Maconomy recorded revenue of DKK 179.5 million and a loss before  
tax of DKK 11.0 million, which was in line with expectations.                   
Copenhagen, March 5, 2007. Today the Board of Directors has reviewed the Annual 
Report for 2006 and recommend it for adoption at the Annual General Meeting on  
April 27, 2007.   
In 2006 Maconomy recorded growth in revenue of 27% from DKK 141.2 million to DKK
179.5 million. The underlying growth in licence revenue totalled 40%, whereby   
the growth targets for 2006 were achieved. 2006 was the first year since 2000   
when revenue grew, compared to the previous year.                               

A prerequisite for this market growth was the employment of more employees, more
training activities and significantly increased marketing efforts. As a result, 
earnings before income tax for 2006 were an expected loss of DKK 11.0 million   
(compared to a loss of DKK 19.8 million in 2005).                               

In 2007 Maconomy will continue to focus on executing the Growth Plan 2006-2008, 
with top-line growth as its primary goal in combination with improved           
profitability. For 2007 Management expects revenue in the region of DKK 225     
million and 0-earnings before income tax.                                       

CEO Hugo Dorph will present the report through a web cast on Tuesday, March 6,  
2007. The web cast will be available on  on the same day from 4
pm CET.                                                                         

Thomas Hartwig 	         Hugo Dorph                                   
Chairman of the Board	CEO                                                     

For further information relating to the Annual Report:                          
Hugo Dorph, CEO, tel. +45 35 27 24 24                                           
Ulrik Christensen, CFO, tel. +45 35 27 23 67                                    

This announcement has been prepared in Danish and English. The Danish version is
to be considered the original version for official purpose and in case of any   
discrepancies between the two versions the Danish version shall prevail.


maconomy 2006 - uk - omx.pdf