Report on transactions of executives and related parties of these with Alm. Brand A/S shares

Pursuant to § 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Alm. Brand A/S hereby
reports on transactions of executives and related parties of these with Alm.
Brand A/S shares. 

Name	Jørgen Hesselbjerg Mikkelsen
Reason	Member of the Board of Directors of Alm. Brand A/S 
Issuer	Alm. Brand A/S
ID code	DK0015250344
Description	Shares 
Transaction	Purchase
Trading day	6 March 2007
Market	Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Number	135 shares
Cash value in DKK	49,950.00

Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to Søren Boe Mortensen,
Chief Executive, on tel. +45 35 47 47 47.


as 5 2007 - report on transactions.pdf