Management change at D/S NORDEN

To Copenhagen Stock Exchange		Announcement No. 5
Nikolaj Plads 6 			6 March 2007
DK-1067 Copenhagen K	Page 1 of 1

Management change at D/S NORDEN

CFO Jens Fehrn-Christensen has informed the Board of Directors of D/S NORDEN
that he wishes to retire from his position before the summer of 2007 as he
wishes to take an early retirement and devote himself to his family combined
with a limited number of board positions. 

Jens Fehrn-Christensen joined NORDEN in 1992 as head of finance and, in 2000,
was appointed a member of Management responsible for finance, accounts, risk
management, insurance, etc. Thus, he has played an essential role in the
Company's very significant growth and success in recent years. 

It is with great regret that the Board of Directors has taken note of Jens
Fehrn-Christensen's decision, and the Board will now commence a hiring process
in order to find a new CFO. 

Kind regards
Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S

Mogens Hugo Jørgensen

Contact persons: Carsten Mortensen, President & CEO, and Jens
Fehrn-Christensen, Executive Vice President & CFO, tel. +45 33 15 04 51


no. 05 - management change at norden.pdf