365 - Fourth quarter results 2006

In regards to the publishing of the annual report of 2006, the company 365 hf has decided to respond to requests and to publish additional information for the fourth quarter of 2006.
Fourth quarter sales were ISK 3.180 million and EBITDA was ISK 1.362 million.  EBITDA from regular operations of the media and entertainment sectors excluding the parent company was ISK 67 million.  Net financial income was ISK 13 million, which includes a positive foreign exchange and interest income from short term lending of ISK 215 million.  A negative EBITDA from the parent company was ISK 182 million in the fourth quarter,  the main costs were costs due to changes in the share of Daybreak Holding.  Depreciation was ISK 238 million.

Consolidated Income Statement	 
In ISK million	4Q  2006
Sales	3.180
Cost of services and goods sold	(2.323)
Gross  Profit	857
Other income	1.587
Operating expenses	(1.320)
Results from operating activities (EBIT)	1.124
Net finance cost	13
Share of loss of associates (net of income tax)	(670)
Profit / (loss) before income tax	467
Income tax expense	(212)
Profit / (loss) from continuing operations	255
Discontinued operations	(2.501)
Profit / (loss) for the year	(2.246)

For further information contact  Viðar Þorkelsson CFO at (+354) 550 5000