Annual Report 2006 of the Solar Group

The Supervisory Board of Solar A/S has approved the group's Annual Report 2006

In Q4 2006, revenue of € 307m was realised, corresponding to an organic growth
of 18%. EBITA amounted to € 19m, corresponding to 6.1% of revenue. 

For the year 2006, the following financial highlights may be stated.

•	Revenue increased by 18% to € 1,075m. 
•	Organic revenue growth equalled 17%. 
•	EBITA increased by 46% to € 62m. 
•	Earnings before tax increased by 51% to € 62m. 
•	Net profit for the year after tax increased by 43% to € 44m. 
•	Dividend is proposed at DKK 17.00 per share, corresponding to an increase of

In 2007, Solar expects revenue growth of 19% to € 1,275 and an increase in
earnings before tax of 13% to € 70m. Earnings before tax are affected by
amortisation of intangible assets of € 4.7m. 

CEO Flemming H. Tomdrup says:
”After a year of a historical high growth of 18%, we are pleased that we have
achieved revenue of more than € 1 billion or, more precisely, € 1,075m for the
first time in the Solar Group. With an increase of 51%, earnings before tax
have reached a new all-time high of € 62m. This positive development is the
result of growth in almost all enterprises. On the basis of the acquisitions
realised in the Netherlands and Norway in 2006 and the expectation of continued
favourable market conditions, the prospects for 2007 also look positive.
Revenue of € 1,275m and earnings before tax of € 70m are expected.” 
The presentation of Annual Report 2006 is transmitted online today at 14:30 and
will be available at 

Yours faithfully,

Solar A/S

Jens Borum


fb200704_uk_annual report.pdf