The shareholders of Etteplan Oyj are invited to the Annual General Meeting of   
Shareholders. The meeting will be held on 29 March 2007 at 1.00 p.m. at         
Sibeliustalo in Lahti at the address of Ankkurikatu 7, 15140 Lahti. Recording of
the persons signed in for the meeting and delivering of the ballots will start  
at 12.30 p.m.                                                                   

Following matters shall be handled at the Annual General Meeting of             

1. Matters pertaining to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders under       
article 10 of the Articles of Association.                                      

2. The Board of Directors' proposal that the Annual General Meeting of          
Shareholders resolves to authorize the Board of Directors to decide to issue    
maximum of 4,000,000 shares through issuance of shares, option rights or other  
special rights entitling to shares under Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Companies 
Act in one or more issues. The authorization includes a right to issue new      
shares or assign company's own shares held by the company.                      

The authorization includes a right to deviate from the existing shareholders'   
pre-emptive subscription right as set forth in the Companies Act Chapter 9,     
Section 3. Therefore, the Board of Directors has a right to direct the share    
issue or issuance of option rights or other special rights entitling to shares. 
The authorization includes also a right to determine on all the terms of share  
issue, option rights or other special rights entitling to shares. The           
authorization includes therefore a right to determine on share subscription     
prices, persons entitled to subscribe the shares and other terms and conditions 
applicable to the subscription. In order to deviate from the shareholders'      
pre-emptive subscription right, the company must have a substantial financial   
reason such as financing of a company acquisition, other arrangement in         
connection with the development of the company's business or equity or an       
incentive scheme to the personnel. In connection of the share issuance the Board
of Directors is entitled to decide that the shares may be subscribed against    
contribution in kind or otherwise under special terms and conditions. The       
authorization includes a right to determine whether the subscription price will 
be entered into the share capital or into the reserve of invested non-restricted

The authorization is effective for a period of three (3) years from the         
resolution of the Annual General Meeting, i.e. from 29 March 2007 to 29 March   

3. The Board of Directors' proposal that the Annual General Meeting of          
Shareholders resolves to authorize the Board of Directors to decide to acquire  
company's own shares in one or more lots with                                   
non-restricted equity of the company. The acquisition of company's own shares   
may be executed in deviation from the proportional shareholdings. Therefore, the
company has also a right to direct                                              
the acquisition of company's own shares.                                        

The authorization includes a right to acquire the company's shares through a    
tender offer made to all the shareholders of the company on the same terms and  
for a price determined by the Board of Directors or in public trade at the      
applicable quoted price to the effect that total number of acquired shares shall
be no more than ten (10) per cent of all the company's shares. The minimum share
purchase price for acquiring company's own shares is the lowest quoted price in 
public trade and the maximum purchase price is the highest quoted price in      
public trade during the period of validity of the authorization.                

If shares are acquired in pubic trade the acquisition shall not be made in      
proportion to the shareholdings. Thus, there must be a substantial financial    
reason for the company. The shares may be acquired in order to be used as       
consideration in potential company acquisitions or in other structural          
arrangements. The shares may be used as well for carrying out company's         
incentive scheme provided to the personnel. The acquired shares may be kept by  
the company, invalidated or assigned onwards.                                   

The acquisition of shares will decrease non-restricted equity of the company.   

The authorization is effective for a period of eighteen (18) months from the    
resolution of the Annual General Meeting, i.e. from 29 March 2007 to 29         
September 2008.                                                                 


Photocopies of the above mentioned proposals of the Board of Directors and the  
financial statement, annual report and the auditor's report will be available   
for shareholders' disposal on 22 March 2007 at 9.00 a.m. at the company's head  
office at Terveystie 18, 15860 Hollola. Photocopies of the above mentioned      
documents will be sent to the shareholders on their request. Annual report that 
includes information on the final accounts will be sent, without a separate     
request, to all the shareholders that are listed in the register of shareholders
as per 2 March 2007.                                                            

Eligibility to attend the meeting                                               

A shareholder who on Monday 19 March 2007 is registered as a shareholder in the 
company's shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities   
Depositary has the right to attend the Annual General Meeting.                  

Shareholders wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting should notify the     
company of their intention to do so by 22 March 2007 at 4.00 p.m. either by a   
written notification to the address of: Etteplan Oyj, Terveystie 18, 15860      
Hollola, or by telephone to the number of: +358 10 307 2006 or by email to the  
address of:                                                      

Written notifications to attend the meeting must be received before the deadline
above. Any proxy forms, identified and dated, should be delivered to the company
to be inspected to the address mentioned above before the deadline to notify the
attending of the meeting.                                                       

Payment of dividend                                                             

The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting of  
Shareholders that a dividend of EUR 0.26 per share shall be paid for the        
financial year 2006. The remaining profit will be kept in the free equity. The  
dividend will be paid to the shareholders registered in the shareholders'       
register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depositary as the record  
date. The record date of the payment of dividend is 3 April 2007. The dividend  
shall be paid on 12 April 2007.                                                 

Board of directors' composition                                                 

The shareholders representing more than 30 per cent of the shares and voting    
rights in the company have proposed that the Annual General Meeting of          
Shareholders re-elects all the current members of the Board of Directors. At the
moment current members of the Board are the Chairman of the Board Mr Tapani     
Mönkkönen, Managing Director Mr Heikki Hornborg, Mr Tapio Hakakari, Mr Pertti   
Nupponen and Mr Matti Virtaala.                                                 

Hollola, 8 March 2007                                                           

Etteplan Oyj                                                                    

Board of Directors                                                              

For additional information, contact: CEO Heikki Hornborg,                       
tel. +358 400 873 063.                                                          

DISTRIBUTION: Helsinki Stock Exchange                                           
              Principal media