Novozymes A/S, Annual meeting of shareholders 2007

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders in Novozymes A/S took place yesterday, with
the report on the company's activities in the last financial year being

The Annual Meeting also approved the following items:

•	the audited annual report, including the resolution on discharge of the
Management and Board of Directors 

•	resolution on appropriation of profit in accordance with the adopted
financial statements (annual report), with a dividend of DKK 4.50 being paid
per share of DKK 10 

•	re-election of the six members of the Board of Directors elected by the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and enlargement of the Board with the
first-time election of Professor Mathias Uhlén, Royal Institute of Technology,

•	re-election of PricewaterhouseCoopers

•	resolution to change the wording of Section 8.2 of the Articles of
Association as follows: 
”Annual Meetings of Shareholders are held in the metropolitan region, as
specified by the Board of Directors.” 

•	authority for the Board of Directors, in the period until the next Annual
Meeting of Shareholders, to acquire treasury shares equivalent to 10% of the
share capital at the share price on the date of acquisition, subject to a
permitted price difference of up to 10%, cf. Section 48 of the Danish Public
Companies Act 

For full report please see attached PDF-file..


2007_12 generalforsamling 2007-gb.pdf