Notification regarding payment of dividends in the form of shares in Glitnir banki

Payment of dividends of up to a 50% in the form of shares in Glitnir banki hf., of the value of 24,8, in accordance with a decision of the shareholders meeting of Glitnir banki hf., on the 20st of February 2007.

Issuer	Glitnir banki hf.
Trade Ticker	GLB
Date of Transaction	12.3.2007
Kind of Transaction	Buy
Price pr. share	24.8
Name of permanent insider	Jón Sigurðsson  
Relations with the issuer	Member of the Board
Number of shares to the permanent insider	0
Number of shares to related parties: Fl Group hf. 5,044,389, FL GLB Holding B.V. 25,614,919 and FL Group Holding Netherlands 19,316,207.	49,975,515
Permanent insider's share holdings	0
Call options granted	0
Related parties' share holdings	4,749,975,515
Name of permanent insider	Karl Wernersson
Relations with the issuer	Member of the Board
Number of shares to the permanent insider	172,159
Number of shares to related parties: Þáttur International ehf. 17,460,941 and Milestone ehf. 3,236,983.	20,697,924
Permanent insider's share holdings	13,110,187
Call options granted	0
Related parties' share holdings	2,981,195,767
Name of permanent insider	Hannes Smárason
Relations with the issuer	Member of the Board
Number of shares to the permanent insider	0
Number of shares to related parties: Fl Group hf. 5,044,389, FL GLB Holding B.V. 25,614,919 and FL Group Holding Netherlands 19,316,207.	49,975,515
Permanent insider's share holdings	0
Call options granted	0
Related parties' share holdings	4,749,975,515
Name of permanent insider	Skarphéðinn B. Steinarsson
Relations with the issuer	Member of the Board
Number of shares to the permanent insider	0
Number of shares to related parties: Fl Group hf. 5,044,389, FL GLB Holding B.V. 25,614,919 and FL Group Holding Netherlands 19,316,207.	49,975,515
Permanent insider's share holdings	0
Call options granted	0
Related parties' share holdings	5,396,632,657
Name of permanent insider	Guðmundur Ólason
Relations with the issuer	Member of the Board
Number of shares to the permanent insider	0
Number of shares to related parties: Þáttur International ehf. 17,460,941 and Milestone ehf. 3,236,983.	20,697,924
Permanent insider's share holdings	0
Call options granted	0
Related parties' share holdings	2,981,195,767
Name of permanent insider	Bjarni Ármannsson
Relations with the issuer	CEO
Number of shares to the permanent insider	0
Number of shares to related parties: Sjávarsýn ehf. 369 and Landsýn 2,002,764.	2,003,160
Permanent insider's share holdings	521,560
Call options granted	0
Related parties' share holdings	235,423,853
Name of permanent insider	Finnur Reyr Stefánsson 
Relations with the issuer	Managing Director
Number of shares to the permanent insider	0
Number of shares to related parties: Snæból ehf.	637,551
Permanent insider's share holdings	13,980
Call options granted	20,000,000
Related parties' share holdings	48,550,439
Name of permanent insider	Magnús Bjarnason
Relations with the issuer	Managing Director
Number of shares to the permanent insider	16,061
Number of shares to related parties: IDA ehf.	99,798
Permanent insider's share holdings	1,223,062
Call options granted	0
Related parties' share holdings	7.599,798
Name of permanent insider	Jón Diðrik Jónsson
Relations with the issuer	Managing Director
Number of shares to the permanent insider	178
Number of shares to related parties: Lilja Ósk Diðriksdóttir 41 og ÞJDJ ehf. 385.766	385,807
Permanent insider's share holdings	13,576
Call options granted	20,000,000
Related parties' share holdings	29,376,680
Name of permanent insider	Tómas Kristjánsson
Relations with the issuer	CFO
Number of shares to the permanent insider	0
Number of shares to related parties: Gani ehf.	637,551
Permanent insider's share holdings	14,132
Call options granted	20,000,000
Related parties' share holdings	48,550,439
Name of permanent insider	Guðmundur Hjaltason
Relations with the issuer	Managing Director
Number of shares to the permanent insider	19
Number of shares to related parties: Muska ehf. 266,129 and Steinagerði ehf. 134,779.	400,902
Permanent insider's share holdings	1,425
Call options granted	10,000,000
Related parties' share holdings	30,529,768