Ministry on Environment approved ASTV investments in the water quality in Tallinn Bay

Ministry of Environment approved a three Year Nitrogen removal project improving
the water quality in Tallinn Bay and the Baltic Sea               

In 2003 ASTV and The Ministry of Environment agreed a contract to reduce the    
amount of Nitrogen discharged to Tallinn Bay by 25%. Between 2003 and 2006 ASTV 
invested over 32 milliion kroons to modify and modernise the wastewater         
treatment plant at Paljassaare to achieve the new targets.  After a year of     
testing the Ministry of Environment has now approved the success of the project 
with the results exceeding their expectations.                                  

Based on the measurements carried out the Company has outperformed this key     
environmental target and achieved in 2006 a 37% reduction in the amount of      
Nitrogen discharged. As a result AS Tallinna Vesi is now able to release the    
13,3 million EEK provision on the pollution charge, that the Company would have 
been required to pay if the project had not been a success.                     

Nitrogen is a plant nutrient and its presence in sea water can contribute to    
algal blooms and a deterioration in the sea water quality.  The Paljassaare     
nitrogen project received recognition from the Baltic Sea protection committee  
HELCOM by removing Tallinn from its hotspots in June 2006. Since the Baltic Sea 
was one of the most polluted seas in the world, all cities on the sea have to   
reduce the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus discharged to the sea. The Baltic 
Sea Action Plan has set a target to solve all problems related to hotspots, one 
of the most serious being wastewater going to the sea, within at least 20 years.
In removing more Nitrogen from the Paljassare plant Tallinn has exceeded these  

According to Ellen Mihklepp, the Wastewater Treatment Manager of Tallinna Vesi, 
“the incoming pollution content of the wastewater treated in Paljassaare has    
steadily increased year by year and the standards for nitrogen in the effluent  
have, at the same time, become more stringent. The company is committed to      
meeting and exceeding all EU environmental standards and significant investment 
was needed to modify and modernise the plant and achieve the required           

The Paljassaare nitrogen project has been one of the key environmental projects 
of the company. However, the investments in Paljassaare are still ongoing. A    
further large project is currently underway improving the processing of sludge  
resulting from sewage treatment process. The works to be performed are          
associated with construction of new compost fields that are almost complete and 
the building of a new sludge dewatering plant. The Company is already today     
producing a high-quality and environment-friendly fertiliser and has stopped    
depositing sludge to landfills and the investments will continue to protect the 
environment in the years to come.                                               

Paljassaare WWTP treats all wastewater and stormwater collected from Tallinn and
its surrounding areas by using environmentally friendly processes. As the       
pollution loads coming into the plant continue to increase and with AS Tallinna 
Vesi's development activity and the targeted provision of good quality          
wastewater treatment services to the surrounding areas,  the Company will keep  
under constant review the performance of the plant and plan future investment   

More information:                                                               
Reigo Marosov                                                                   
Avalike suhete juht                                                             
Tel. +372 6262 209