Carlsberg A/S Annual General Meeting 13 March 2007

The Annual General Meeting of Carlsberg A/S took place on 13 March 2007 in      
accordance with the attached agenda.                                            

The annual report was approved as well as the Board of Directors' proposal      
regarding the distribution of the profit for the year, including a dividend of  
DKK 6.00 per share. Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board 
in respect of the duties performed during the year was granted.                 

The General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to acquire treasury       
shares, cf. Section 48 of the Danish Companies Act.                             

As proposed by the Board of Directors, Professor, D. Pharm. Povl                
Krogsgaard-Larsen, Managing Director Jens Bigum and Managing Director Henning B.
Dyremose were reelected as members of the Board of Directors.                   

As proposed by the Board of Directors, the auditing firm KPMG C. Jespersen was  
reelected as auditor.                                                           

As proposed by the Board of Directors, the amendments to Carlsberg's Articles of
Association article 11, subarticle 3 (company's registrar) and article 27,      
subarticle 3 (election rate) were approved.                                     
At a subsequent Board Meeting, the Board of Directors elected Povl              
Krogsgaard-Larsen, Professor, D.Pharm. as chairman and Jens Bigum, Managing     
Director, as deputy chairman.                                                   

Investor Relations:	Mikael Bo Larsen	+45 3327 1223                              
Media Relations:	Jens Peter Skaarup	+45 3327 1417                               

Agenda for the Annual General Meeting:

a)	Report on the activities of the Company in the past year.

b)	Presentation of the audited annual report for approval and proposal to
discharge the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from their

c)	Proposal for distribution of the profit for the year, including declaration
of dividends. 

d)	The Board of Directors' request for the authorisation of the Annual General
Meeting to acquire treasury shares, cf. section 48 of the Danish Public
Companies Act. 
	With reference to section 48 of the Danish Public Companies Act, the Board of
Directors of Carlsberg A/S requests the authorisation of the Annual General
Meeting - until the next Annual General Meeting - to acquire treasury shares at
a nominal value of up to 10% of the nominal share capital at the price quoted
on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange at the time of the acquisition with a
deviation of up to 10%. 

e)	Election of members to the Board of Directors.
	Pursuant to the articles of association Professor, D. Pharm. Povl
Krogsgaard-Larsen, Managing Director Jens Bigum and Managing Director Henning
B. Dyremose retire from the Board of Directors. 

	The Board of Directors proposes that Professor, D. Pharm. Povl
Krogsgaard-Larsen, Managing Director Jens Bigum and Managing Director Henning
B. Dyremose be re-elected. 

f)	Appointment of 1 state-authorised public accountant to audit the accounts
for the current year. 
	The Board of Directors proposes that KPMG C. Jespersen be re-elected.

g)	Amendments to Carlsberg's Articles of Association
	The Board of Directors propose
	that article 11, subarticle 3 of the Articles of Association regarding the
company's registrar is changed to ” VP Investor Services A/S (VP Services A/S),
Helgeshøj Alle 61, 2630 Taastrup, is the company's registrar.“ 
The proposal is made as the previous registrar Danske Bank has sold its
register of shareholders to Vaerdipapircentralen (VP). 


that article 27, subarticle 3 of the Articles of Association is changed to ”Of
the board members elected by the general meeting, half of the members who have
been longest in office shall retire each year. The period of office shall be
calcu¬lated from the last election. As between persons who were elected on the
same day, those to retire shall be deter¬mined by lot. A member shall be
eligible for re-election subject to the provisions of sub-article 4 below." 
This wording ensures an increased election rate as compared to today, as each
board member will be up for (re)election every second year as opposed to
previously every second/third year. 

The agenda for the Annual General Meeting and the Annual Report 2006 will be
available for inspection by the shareholders at the offices of the Company at
Ny Carlsberg Vej 100, 1760 Copenhagen V, Denmark, at the latest 8 days prior to
the Annual General Meeting. The agenda will be forwarded to all shareholders
registered in the register of shareholders, whereas the Annual Report will only
be forwarded to shareholders upon request. 

Shareholders who have acquired their shares by transfer shall not be entitled
to exercise their voting right relating to the shares in question unless such
shares have been registered in the register of shareholders of the Company or
the shareholder has given notice of and produced documentary evidence of the
acquisition when the Annual General Meeting is convened. 

Admission card and voting slips are issued in conformity with article 20 of the
articles of association and can be obtained by calling VP Investor Services
phone: +45 43 58 88 66 all working days in the period from 2 March to 8 March
2006, both days inclusive. 

Shareholders who are not registered in the register of shareholders are
required to present a statement of account from the Danish Securities Centre
(VP) or the bank with which the custody account is held as evidence of the
shareholding before an admission card can be issued. 

The Board of Directors, 28 February 2007


3 2007 uk c as annual general meeting summary.pdf