Regarding draft resolutions for the ordinary general meeting of shareholders

At the ordinary general meeting of shareholders (hereinafter - the “Meeting”)
of AB DnB NORD Bankas (company code 112029270, VAT payer code LT120292716,
registered office at J. Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, the data is collected
and stored at the Register of Legal Entities) (hereinafter - the “Bank”) which
will be convened on 23 March 2007 (Friday) at 10.00 a.m. and will take place at
the registered office of the Bank, address J. Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, in
the hall of the sixth floor, the shareholders of the Bank will be asked to
approve the following draft resolutions: approve the Bank group consolidated 2006 annual report; approve the financial statements of the Bank of 2006; approve the distribution of the profit (loss) of the Bank. It is
proposed to reduce the revaluation reserve of the fixed assets by the amount of
LTL 44 thousand, which is ascribed to disposed of or fully depreciated fixed
assets and transfer this amount to retained earnings. To transfer the Bank's
2006 net profit of LTL 56.218 million to the Bank‘s distributable profit of LTL
61.996 million. To use part of the distributable profit in the amount of  LTL
3.1 million for compulsory deductions to mandatory reserve. To transfer the
remaining amount of LTL 58.896 million in retained earnings to the next
financial year. From the amount of LTL 116 532, which was accumulated as
expenses for the year 2006, to pay tantiems to the members of the Supervisory
Council of the Bank; 
   4. to select UAB “PricewaterhouseCoopers” as an audit firm to perform audit
of the Bank annual financial statements for the year 2007. approve the amendments to the Bylaws of the Bank regarding the increase
of number of members of the Supervisory Council from seven to eight. To
establish that the amendments of the Bylaws of the Bank shall be submitted for
the registration to the Register of Legal Entities, after the Bylaws of the
Bank amended according to the resolution of the extraordinary general meeting
of shareholders adopted on 11 December 2006 are registered with the Register of
Legal Entities. To authorize the President of the Bank to sign the amended
Bylaws of the Bank, according to the resolution regarding approval of the
amendments to the Bylaws of the Bank adopted by the ordinary general meeting of
shareholders of the Bank on 23 March 2007; 
   6.considering the fact that the members of the Supervisory Council Mr.
Peter-Juergen Schmidt and Mr. Aasmund Skaar resigned from the office as of 23
March 2007, to elect Mr. Georg Christoph Schulz and Mr. Jarle Mortensen  to the
Supervisory Council until expiry of the term of office of the current
Supervisory Council. Taking into consideration the adopted resolution to amend
the Bylaws of the Bank by increasing the number of the members of the
Supervisory Council from 7 to 8, to elect Mr. Pal Skoe to the Supervisory
Council until expiry of the term of office of the current Supervisory Council.
To establish that the newly elected members of the Supervisory Council shall
start the office following the receipt of the permission from the Bank of
Lithuania to become managers of the Bank. Furthermore, to establish that the
newly elected member of the Supervisory Council Mr. Pal Skoe shall start the
office as of the date of registration of the amended Bylaws of the Bank with
the Register of Legal Entities; 
   The full text of draft resolutions of the Meeting and annexes thereto are
available for the shareholders of the Bank at the the Investment Banking
Department at J. Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, (tel. +370 5 2393772). The
questions to the members of the Supervisory Council and the Management Board of
the Bank may be submitted to the Legal Unit at J. Basanavičiaus St. 26,
Vilnius, (tel. +370 5 2393507). 

Andrius Vilkancas,
Press Officer
tel. +370 5  239 3413