Picture Yourself Thinner: Weightview.com Offers Dieters the Motivation They Need to Lose the Pounds

People Able to View 'After' Photo Before Weight Loss Begins

NEW YORK, March 13, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Weightview.com is the recently unveiled site that gives users a picture of how they will look after they have lost unwanted pounds by utilizing technology.

The process is simple; users go to Weightview.com, fill out basic information and upload a current picture of themselves. Within 48 hours, Weightview.com delivers the same picture to the user's inbox, only the picture reveals the user at their goal weight. The service is free of charge for a limited time only.

Weightview.com is different from other services on the market that merely automatically shrink or stretch photos without concern for body proportion. Weightview.com's experienced staff and digital technology alter each original photo to give an accurate portrayal of how the person could actually look after his or her desired weight loss is achieved.

This unique service gives people trying to slim down a realistic goal to work toward. Seeing a thinner picture of oneself on the fridge is great incentive to make it to the gym or push away the dessert tray.

Weightview.com spokesperson and fitness consultant Gina Jackson says, "More than 45 million Americans go on a diet each year; many of them need a visual motivational tool as a reminder to stay on track. That is where Weightview.com comes in. The thinner photos show people that it is possible for them actually be thin. In fact, Weightview.com patrons have expressed that the thinner photos have provided them with incentive to make a plan and stick to it. One user put it best when he said that the photo provided him with the motivation to keep his mouth shut."

Jackson also says, "For many dieters, finding the right source of motivation is half of the battle. Something this concrete allows users to do more than just imagine or dream about what they might look like; it enables them to actually picture themselves at their desired weight. Once they are motivated to achieve results they can move to take the appropriate -- and gradual -- steps in fitness to changing their body and lifestyle to make it a reality."



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