Report on transactions of executives and related parties of these with Alm. Brand A/S shares

Pursuant to § 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Alm. Brand A/S hereby
reports on transactions of executives and related parties of these with Alm.
Brand A/S shares. 

Name	Henning Kaffka
Reason	Member of the Board of Directors of Alm. Brand A/S 
Issuer	Alm. Brand A/S
ID code	DK0015250344
Description	Shares 
Transaction	Purchase
Trading day	14 March 2007
Market	Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Number	137 shares
Cash value in DKK	50,690.00

Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to Søren Boe Mortensen,
Chief Executive, on tel. +45 35 47 47 47.


as 7 2007 - report on transactions.pdf