The plant biotech company Aresa enters into a research collaboration with the Agricultural Institute of Bosnia Herzegovina with the establishment of a 2,000m² test area in Banja Luka.

First North Announcement no. 3  2007/ 14th March, 2007

Copenhagen, 14th March, 2007

Resume: The plant biotech company Aresa enters into a research collaboration
with the Agricultural Institute of Bosnia Herzegovina with the establishment of
a 2,000m² test area in Banja Luka. 

Aresa commence test programme in Bosnia Herzegovina

As part of the continued development of the landmine detecting plant,
RedDetect™, Aresa has today entered into a collaboration with the Agricultural
Institute of Bosnia Herzegovina in Banja Luka. The collaboration includes the
establishment of a 2,000m test area at the Institute's test fields close to
the river Vrbas in the outskirts of Banja Luka. The area is characteristic of
the former confrontation zone and there are still today, many mined fields on
riverbanks and in the near proximity of rivers, among them the river Vrbas. 

The test area in Banja Luka gives Aresa the opportunity to further develop and
test the landmine plant under growth conditions corresponding to those often
found in mine fields. The agreement is therefore a valuable addition to Aresa's
test sites in Denmark and Croatia. 

The planned test programme will commence in April and will include the sowing
of non-GMO seeds as well as GMO seeds. Aresa will, as part of the planned
development programme, perform several tests during the growing season 2007,
and the results are expected to be published towards the latter part of the

The collaboration with the Agricultural Institute in Banja Luka has been
established on the basis of a common wish to develop and utilise gene
technology for the value creation in both Bosnia Herzegovina and in other

Best regards,

Jarne Elleholm
Aresa A/S

Further information can be obtained by contacting Jarne Elleholm, CEO for Aresa
A/S on +45 70227747, mobile: +45 41190136 or to the company's financial advisor
HSH Gudme Corporate Finance A/S, Morten Kjærulff, Director, +45 33449431. 

About Aresa
Aresa is a plant biotech company established in 2001 by the company's current
CSO, Carsten Meier and has origins from the Institute of Molecular Biology at
Copenhagen University. 

Aresa has developed two plant based technology platforms, BioSensor for the
detection of substances in soil, hereunder evaporation of explosives from
landmines; and BioPharma, a tool for the optimisation and production of
antibodies and proteins in plants. 

Aresa was listed on the Copenhagen OMX-First North market place in 2006. Aresa
is based at Symbion Science Park in Copenhagen and has greenhouse facilities in
the outskirts of Copenhagen and test areas in Denmark, Croatia and now also in
Bosnia Herzegovina. Aresa has 17 employees, hereof 9 within research and
development and 5 within landmine operations.


aresa first north 3 2007 - collaboration in bosnia herzegovina eng.pdf