The Nordic Exchange in Copenhagen ceases to impose trading halts in connection with publication of possibly price-sensitive company announcements

The Nordic Exchange in Copenhagen ceases to impose trading halts in connection
with publication of possibly price-sensitive company announcements

As of June 1, 2007, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange will cease to initiate trading
halts when the listed companies issue announcements containing possibly
price-sensitive information. The new practice is a result of the implementation
of the EU Transparency Directive into Danish law. This also means that the same
rule will apply to all the exchanges of the Nordic Exchange.

With the implementation of the EU Transparency Directive the listed companies
are no longer obliged to publish possibly price-sensitive announcements via the
Nordic Exchange in Copenhagen. In future, the companies are free to choose how
to publish such announcements as long as the information is made available to
the public of the entire European Union and countries with which the Community
has entered into an agreement on the financial area.

At the same time, the provision that inside information - i.e. information of a
price-sensitive nature - shall be considered made public once the Nordic
Exchange in Copenhagen has disseminated the announcement will be repealed. This
is a consequence of the idea that issuers of listed securities should enjoy free
competition in the distribution area when meeting the disclosure requirements.
Moreover, it is no longer a requirement that information must be published via
the market on which the securities are traded.

”Many both professional and private investors have been pleased that we have
imposed a trading halt when a company issued an announcement. Unfortunately, the
new rules mean that it is no longer possible to adhere to this practice as there
is no guarantee that the announcement will reach the exchange first. However, it
is positive that we switch to an international practice so that the same rules
will apply to all companies traded on the Nordic Exchange”, says Jan Ovesen,
President of the Nordic Exchange in Copenhagen.

For further information, please contact:
Ellen-Margrethe Soelberg, Communications Manager				
Tel.: +45 33 77 04 30

About OMX | OMX is a leading expert in the exchange industry. Through the Nordic
Exchange, OMX offers access to approximately 80 percent of the Nordic and Baltic
securities market. The Nordic Exchange is a term used for marketing purposes and
is not a legal entity. It describes the common offering from the Helsinki Stock
Exchange, Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Stockholm Stock Exchange, Iceland Stock
Exchange, Tallinn Stock Exchange, Riga Stock Exchange and Vilnius Stock
Exchange. OMX integrated technology solutions cross the transaction chain
enabling efficient securities transactions for over 60 exchange organizations in
more than 50 countries. OMX is a Nordic Large Cap company in the Financial
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