Election of staff representatives

An election of staff representatives has been held at Topsil Semiconductor
Materials A/S with the following result: 

Re-election of Key Account Manager Trine Schønnemann, elected to the Board in

New election of R.& D. Engineer Ole Sinkjær Andersen.

Substitute for Trine Schønnemann is PTA-engineer Rene Petersen.

Substitute for Ole Sinkjær Andersen is R.& D. Manager Leif Jensen.

Above mentioned staff representatives and substitutes do not perform other
managerial duties. 

Ole Sinkjær Andersen will take office in the Board after the annual general
meeting on 28 March 2007. 

Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S

Jens Borelli-Kjær			Keld Lindegaard Andersen
Chairman				CEO
+45 47 18 01 00			+45 47 36 56 10

Please note that this translation is provided for convenience only. The Danish
version shall prevail in case of discrepancies.


06-07 election of staff representatives.pdf