Statistics for February 2007 and II quarter of 2006/2007 financial year

Statistics for February 2007 and II quarter of 2006/2007 financial year       

In February 2007 AS Tallink Grupp transported 455,727 passengers which is 137.2%
more than in February 2006. The number of transported cargo units increased by  
181.6% and number of transported passenger vehicles by 101.8%.                  

AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo units and passenger car numbers for February
2006 and second quarter of the 2006/2007 financial year were the following:     

|           | Feb     | Feb     | change |   | II Q      | II Q 05/06 | change |
|           | 2007    | 2006    |        |   | 06/07     |            |        |
| Passengers| 455,727 | 192,088 | 137.2% |   | 1,361,946 |    598,208 | 127.7% |
|           |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Estonia-  | 161,419 | 156,005 |   3.5% |   |   485,497 |    475,315 |   2.1% |
| Finland   |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Estonia-  |  34,333 |  36,083 |  -4.8% |   |   131,919 |    122,893 |   7.3% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Latvia-   |   9,061 |         |        |   |    32,045 |            |        |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Finland-  |   6,273 |         |        |   |    19,779 |            |        |
| Germany   |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Finland-  | 244,641 |         |        |   |   692,706 |            |        |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Cargo     |  28,844 |  10,243 | 181.6% |   |    83,021 |     32,054 | 159.0% |
| units     |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Estonia-  |   7,971 |   6,879 |  15.9% |   |    22,642 |     20,893 |   8.4% |
| Finland   |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Estonia-  |   3,556 |   3,364 |   5.7% |   |    10,474 |     11,161 |  -6.2% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Latvia-   |     611 |         |        |   |     1,766 |            |        |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Finland-  |   6,099 |         |        |   |    17,146 |            |        |
| Germany   |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Finland-  |  10,607 |         |        |   |    30,993 |            |        |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Vehicles  |  30,037 |  14,888 | 101.8% |   |    95,533 |     50,647 |  88.6% |
| Estonia-  |  15,558 |  10,755 |  44.7% |   |    43,810 |     35,665 |  22.8% |
| Finland   |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Estonia-  |   2,711 |   4,133 | -34.4% |   |    11,090 |     14,982 | -26.0% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Latvia-   |   1,735 |         |        |   |     6,451 |            |        |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Finland-  |   2,094 |         |        |   |     6,260 |            |        |
| Germany   |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |
| Finland-  |   7,939 |         |        |   |    27,922 |            |        |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |            |        |

The capacities in low-season are usually affected by several scheduled          
dry-dockings of vessels. There are some differences in on different routes      
compared to previous periods arising from the fact that the number of vessels   
and the days in dry-docking differ from year to year.                           

The following operational factors influenced the developments during the second 


M/S Galaxy, larger in capacities, operates Helsinki-Tallinn route instead of M/S

M/S Meloodia was chartered out from the beginning of the January 2007 and was   
not operating on the Tallinn-Helsinki route. The lower capacity was partly      
off-set by the operations of M/S AutoExpress 2 during 1st to 9th January 2007   
and by the operations of M/S Vana Tallinn starting from the 10th of January     
2007. Since the middle of January 2007 Superfast vessels started operating on   
the Tallinn-Helsinki route with one round-trip per day.                         

In the beginning of January the cargo capacity was smaller on the               
Estonia-Finland route because M/S Meloodia was not in operations. The cargo     
capacity was increased later from the middle of January as the Superfast vessels
started to operate one round-trip per day. The higher capacity and increasing   
cargo demand led to higher number of cargo units in January and February 2007.  

Cargo vessel M/S Regal Star was in the dock in December 2006. The vessel did not
operate for 20 days.                                                            


M/S Romantika, larger in capacities, operates Tallinn-Stockholm line instead of 
M/S Regina Baltica.                                                             

Resulting from the swap of M/S Regal Star and M/S Kapella the car deck capacity 
in December 2006 was smaller on Estonia-Sweden routes which resulted lower      
volumes. The cargo and vehicle volumes on Estonia-Sweden routes are partly      
affected also from the fact that some Latvian and Lithuanian customers are using
Latvia-Sweden route instead.                                                    

M/S Vana Tallinn was not operating on the Paldiski-Kapellskär route in January  
andf February 2007 and both the passengers and cargo capacity was thereby       
smaller than in January and February 2006.                                      

M/S Victoria was in dry-dock in February 2007 and did not operate for 12 days.  

The cargo and passenger vehicle volumes on Estonia-Sweden routes are partly     
affected also from the fact that some Latvian and Lithuanian customers are using
Latvia-Sweden route instead.                                                    


In January 2007 M/S Superfast VII was out of operations for 6 days during       
repair-works in the harbour.                                                    


M/S Silja Europa was in scheduled dry-docking and the ferry did not operate for 
6 days.                                                                         

In January 2007 M/S Sea Wind did not operate for 5 days because of repairs.     

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800