Annual General Meeting HL Display AB (publ)

The Annual General Meeting of HL Display AB (publ) was held on March
14, 2007. The submitted annual accounts of 2006 were adopted by the

It was decided to pay the shareholders a dividend of SEK 3,50 (3,00)
per share. The record day for dividend entitlement was set for March
19, 2007. The dividend is expected to be settled by VPC (the Swedish
Securities Register Centre) on March 22, 2007. The share is traded
without dividend entitlement from March 15.

The Meeting granted discharge for the members of the Board and the
Managing Director for the financial year of 2006.

Compensation of the Board
The Meeting approved fees of SEK 250,000 for the Board Chairman, SEK
150,000 to any other Board member that is not employed by the
company, and SEK 100,000 for committee work to be distributed by the
Board Chairman. The total compensation amount is SEK 1,100,000.
Auditors are paid against invoices according to agreement.

Election of Board members
The Board members Anders Remius, Gérard Dubuy, Jan-Ove Hallgren, Stig
Karlsson, Åke Modig and Lis Remius were re-elected. In addition
Mats-Olof Ljungkvist was elected as new Board member. The Board was
enlarged by one member in accordance with the proposal by the
Election Committee to include in total seven members elected by the

Issue of warrants
The meeting decided unanimously to adopt the proposition from the
Board to issue 64,000 warrants with accompanying right to
subscription. The decision imply in brief that subscription
entitlement is granted to HL Display's wholly-owned subsidiary HL
Financial Services AB without compensation with the right and
obligation to offer employees of the HL Display Group the opportunity
to acquire the warrants. The acquisitions of the warrants are
subsidized and conditioned. The group management, approximately six
individuals, shall be offered the opportunity to acquire the
warrants. MD and deputy MD are offered no more than 20,000 warrants
per person, and the other participants no more than 6,000 warrants
per person. Remaining warrants shall be held by the subsidiary until
further notice. They may, after decision of the Board, be delegated
according to the same principles to future employees. One warrant is
entitled to subscribe to one new class B share in HL Display AB
(publ) during the period from 1 March 2010 until and including 30
April 2010, at an issue price equivalent to 120 percent of the
volume-weighted price for HL Display AB class B share for every day
of trading during the period 19 - 30 March 2007, but at an issue
price no less than the quotient value of the share.

The Board's justification for the issue of warrants is that a
long-term ownership arrangement among employees can be expected to
stimulate increased interest in activities and profit growth, enhance
motivation and sense of involvement with the company. The Board
therefore considers that the offer is advantageous to the company and
its shareholders.

For further details on this decision, please see HL Display's

Guidelines for remuneration to Senior management positions
The Meeting decided unanimously to adopt the Board's proposal for
Guidelines for remuneration to Senior management positions. The
proposal in its entirety is published on HL Display's website.

Election Committee
The Meeting decided unanimously according to the Board's proposal
that the Chairman of the Board also should be Chairman of the
Election Committee, following his well established contacts with the
company's owners. It was also decided that he in consultation with
the major shareholders will appoint an election committee with the
task of proposing Board members and fees for the Board. The election
committee shall comprise of the Board's Chairman, two representatives
of the principal owners and an independent member. The composition of
the election committee shall be notified via a press release and on
the company's website no later than six months
before the next AGM.

The presentation held by the Managing Director Gérard Dubuy at the
Annual General Meeting will be available on HL Display's website from March 15, 2007.

Stockholm, March 15th, 2007

Gérard Dubuy
Managing Director


Annual General Meeting 2007