TDC A/S' Annual General Meeting 2007 -- Resolutions

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 15, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Today TDC A/S' General Meeting passed the following resolutions:

* Approval of the Company's Annual Report 2006.

* Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee from their obligations in respect of the Annual Report.

* Approval of the proposal presented by the Board of Directors regarding the allocation of profit. A dividend of DKK 3.50 will be paid per share of a nominal value of DKK 5.

* The following members of the Board of Directors were re-elected: Kurt Bjorklund, Vagn Soerensen, Lawrence Guffey, Oliver Haarmann, Gustavo Schwed and Richard Wilson. Furthermore, Henning Dyremose was elected as member of the Board of Directors.

The following alternates were re-elected: For Kurt Bjorklund: Ola Nordquist; For Lawrence Guffey: Jan Nielsen; For Oliver Haarmann: Nicolas Gheysens; For Gustavo Schwed: Torsten Winkler; For Richard Wilson: Andrew Sillitoe.

In addition to these members, the Board of Directors also consists of the following board members elected by the employees: Jan Bardino, Leif Hartmann, Steen M. Jacobsen and Bo Magnussen.

* PricewaterhouseCoopers was re-elected as auditor.

* The Board of Directors was authorized - until the next Annual General Meeting - to allow the Company to acquire own shares at a total nominal value of up to 10 percent of the share capital of the Company, cf. Section 48 of the Danish Companies Act. The purchase price of the shares in question must not deviate by more than 10 percent from the price quoted on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange at the time of acquisition. In the event the shares are not listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange at the time of acquisition, the purchase price must not deviate by more than 10 percent from the market value of the shares at the time of acquisition.

* The following amendments to the Company's Articles of Association were adopted:

 -- The name and the address of the keeper of the Company's Register of  
 Shareholders are inserted in the Articles of Association. 
 -- The provision regarding admission cards is specified so that the 
 notice to the General Meeting may state that admission cards can also
 be obtained from e.g. the keeper of the Company's Register of 
 Shareholders or by electronic application.
 -- In future, minutes of the General Meetings are only signed by the
 Chairman of the Meeting. 
 -- In future, the Executive Committee consists of two to seven members.


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