Hf. Eimskipafélag Íslands - 1Q Results 2007

Correction: Total assets

First quarter results in line with expectations

Hf. Eimskipafélag Íslands - Financial Overview of the first quarter 2007 
"	Operating revenues of EUR 399 million
"	Operating expenses of EUR 388 million
"	EBITDA EUR 32 million - EBIT EUR 11 million  
"	Pre-tax loss EUR 7 million
"	Net loss EUR 6 million 
"	Total assets EUR 1,873 million
"	Working capital from operating activities EUR 3 million
"	Total equity at January 31 EUR 539 million  - equity ratio 29%
"	Current ratio 0.95
"	Financial statements are being published in EUR as of November 1 2006

Magnús Þorsteinsson, Executive Chairman:
"In the first three months of the financial year 2007, the group's financial performance was in line with management's expectations.  The group's EBITDA is EUR 32 million, which is almost a quarter of our estimates for the financial year of 2007.  This is an important milestone for the group since as a rule, the first quarter is generally the worst performing quarter."


News release.pdf Frettatilkynning.pdf HF Eimskipafelagi - 1Q Result 2007.pdf