Invitation to AGM in Catena AB (publ)

Invitation to AGM in Catena AB (publ)

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday, April 23, the following
proposals, among other items, will be put forward:

•	The Board will propose a dividend of SEK 5 per share and the record date as
April 26, payment of dividend will take place on May 2, 2007.

•	The Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of all current members:
Ingrid Berggren, Peter Hallgren, Curt Lönnström, Lars Söderblom, Erik Törnberg
och Gerard Versteegh. It is proposed that Curt Lönnström continue as Chairman of
the Company.

•	The Nomination Committee proposes that Board fee to the Chairman shall amount
to SEK 210,000 and other Board members, who do not receive salaries from the
company, shall receive SEK 105,000 each. 

•	The Board's proposal of guidelines for remuneration to the President and the
senior executives. 

•	A renewed mandate for the Board to decide on purchase and transfer of the
company's own shares.

For information, please contact Peter Hallgren, President and Chief Executive
tel +46-31-760 09 32, or Rune Jonsson, CFO, tel +46-31-760 09 35.

Enclosure: Invitation

Catena shall own, effectively manage and actively develop commercial real estate
in prime locations that offers the potential to generate steadily growing cash
flow and favorable value growth. Catena's overriding objective is to provide
shareholders with a favorable, long-term total return by being one of the
leading players involved in commercial real estate in a number of strategic

For more information about Catena, visit


AGMNotice.pdf 03222066.pdf