Sparekassen Faaborg, listing of new shares 30 March 2007

Sparekassen Faaborg A/S - registered bonus issue without trade in bonus rights

On 19 March 2007, the ordinary general meeting of Sparekassen Faaborg A/S
decided to increase the company's share capital through a 1:1 bonus issue. 

Consequently, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange has decided to admit 620,000 new
shares of DKK 100 to listing in the existing ISIN code of Sparekassen Faaborg
with effect from 30 March 2007. 

The last day of trading in Sparekassen Faaborg shares carrying the right to
receive bonus shares will be 29 March 2007, whereas the first day of trading in
Sparekassen Faaborg shares not carrying the right to receive bonus shares will
be 30 March 2007. 

For further information, please see announcement of 23 March 2007 published by
Sparekassen Faaborg. 


spks faaborg - fondsaktier - uk - ske.pdf