ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION for TrygVesta A/S, CVR no. 26460212

Name, registered office and objects

                              Article 1

The name of the company is "TrygVesta A/S".

The company also  carries on business  under the name  of Tryg  Vesta
Group A/S (TrygVesta A/S).

                              Article 2

The objects  of  the  company  are  directly  or  indirectly  to  own
companies in full  or in  part that  carry on  insurance business  in
Denmark and abroad or  any other business  permitted under Danish  or
foreign legislation governing financial services.

                              Article 3

The company's registered  office is situated  in the municipality  of
Ballerup, Denmark.

                      Share capital and shares

                              Article 4

The share capital of  the company is  DKK 1,700,000,000 divided  into
shares of DKK 25 each. The share capital is fully paid up. The shares
are  negotiable  instruments.  There  are  no  restrictions  on   the
transferability of the shares. No shares carry special rights, and no
shareholders are under an obligation to have their shares redeemed in
whole or in part.

                              Article 5

The shares shall be issued to  named holders and shall be  registered
in the company's register of shareholders.

The company's  register of  shareholders  is maintained  by  Aktiebog
Danmark A/S, Kongevejen 118, DK-2840 Holte.

                              Article 6

The  shares  are   issued  through  the   Danish  Securities   Centre
(Værdipapircentralen). Any rights  attaching to the  shares shall  be
notified to the  Danish Securities  Centre pursuant to  the rules  in

                              Article 7

Dividends payable on the company's  shares shall be paid through  the
Danish Securities Centre pursuant to the relevant rules.

The Supervisory  Board  is  authorised  to  distribute  extraordinary
dividends pursuant to the rules of the Danish Public Companies Act.

             Authorisation to increase the share capital

                              Article 8

The Supervisory Board is authorised to increase the capital by one or
more issues of new shares up to a total amount of DKK 170,000,000.
The authorisation is valid until 21 September 2010. The increase may
be effected for cash or other consideration. If the share capital
increase is effected at market price, the Supervisory Board may
decide to effect the issue of shares without pre-emption rights to
existing shareholders, including by way of issuing the new shares as
full or partial consideration for the company's acquisition of an
existing company.

                              Article 9

The Supervisory Board is authorised to increase the share capital  by
one or  more  issues of  new  shares up  to  a total  amount  of  DKK
17,000,000. The authorisation is valid  until 21 September 2010.  The
new shares  shall be  offered to  employees of  the company  and,  as
resolved  by  the  Supervisory  Board,  employees  of  all  or   some
subsidiaries without pre-emption rights to existing shareholders. The
new shares  shall  be issued  at  a price  to  be determined  by  the
Supervisory Board, which may be below market price.

                             Article 10

The shares issued pursuant to articles 8 and 9 above shall be  issued
to named holders. The shares  shall be negotiable instruments.  There
shall be no  restrictions on their  transferability. No shares  shall
carry  special  rights,  and  no  shareholders  shall  be  under   an
obligation to redeem their shares in whole or in part.

The new  shares carry  rights from  a time  to be  determined by  the
Supervisory Board,  which  shall not  be  more than  12  months  from
registration of the capital increase.

The Supervisory Board is authorised  to determine the detailed  terms
and  conditions  of  capital  increases  effected  under  the   above
authorisations. The Supervisory  Board is  furthermore authorised  to
amend the company's  articles of  association as may  be required  in
consequence  of  the  Supervisory  Board's  exercise  of  the   above

General meetings

                             Article 11

The general meeting is the supreme authority in all company  matters.
General meetings shall  be held  in the municipality  of Ballerup  or
elsewhere in Greater Copenhagen.

                             Article 12

General meetings  are either  ordinary or  extraordinary. The  annual
general meeting shall be held every year before the end of April.

General meetings shall  be convened by  the Supervisory Board  giving
not less than  eight days' and  not more than  four weeks' notice  by
advertisement in at least  one national newspaper,  and by letter  to
all shareholders recorded in the register of shareholders who have so

The convening notice shall  state the time, place  and agenda of  the
general meeting.

Where a resolution  to amend  the articles  of association  is to  be
considered by the shareholders, the notice shall state the essentials
of such proposal. Where a resolution of the kind specified in section
79 of the  Danish Public  Companies Act is  to be  considered by  the
shareholders, the full wording of such resolution shall be set out in
the convening  notice, which  shall also  be sent  to all  registered

Extraordinary general meetings shall  be convened when determined  by
the Supervisory Board or  the auditor or  when requested in  writing,
stating a specific purpose, to the Supervisory Board by  shareholders
holding at least one tenth of  the share capital. Such request  shall
be made in writing to  the Supervisory Board accompanied by  specific
proposals. In this case, a  general meeting shall be convened  within
14 days of receipt of the request.

                             Article 13

Any shareholder is entitled to have a specific subject considered  by
the shareholders  at the  general  meeting provided  the  shareholder
submits a written  request to  the Supervisory Board  not later  than
eight weeks before the date of the general meeting.

                             Article 14

Not later than eight  days before a general  meeting, the agenda  and
the complete proposals,  and in  respect of  annual general  meetings
also the  annual report,  shall be  available for  inspection by  the
shareholders at the company's head office  and shall also be sent  to
all registered shareholders who have so requested.

                             Article 15

A chairman  appointed by  the Supervisory  Board shall  preside  over
general meetings. The chairman shall  decide all matters relating  to
the procedure of the meeting, the voting and its results.

                             Article 16

The agenda of the annual general meeting shall include the  following

1)        Report of the  Supervisory Board on  the activities of  the
company during the past financial year.

2)       Presentation  of the annual  report for approval,  including
determination of the Supervisory Board's remuneration, and  discharge
of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Management.

3)      Adoption of resolution as to the distribution of profit or
covering of loss, as the case may be, according to the annual report
as approved.

4)         Any  proposals  from the  Supervisory  Board or  from  the

5)      Election of members to the Supervisory Board.

6)      Appointment of auditor.

7)      Any other business.

                  Right to attend and right to vote

                             Article 17

Any shareholder is entitled to attend and to vote at general meetings
provided the shareholder has obtained an admission card from the
company's office not later than five days before the date of the
general meeting. Admission cards are issued to persons who are
recorded as shareholders in the register of shareholders or who
present a custody account statement, issued not more than five days
previously, from the Danish Securities Centre or the account-holding
bank (depository). Together with the statement, shareholders shall
submit a written declaration to the effect that they have not and
will not transfer the shares to any other person until the general
meeting has been held.

For shares which have been acquired by means of transfer, it is a
condition in order for such shareholder to exercise his/her right to
vote that the shares have been entered in the company's register of
shareholders or the shareholder has notified and documented his/her
acquisition before the general meeting is convened.

Each shareholding of DKK 25 carries one vote.

Members of the  press are  entitled to attend  the company's  general

Shareholders may vote by a proxy who presents an admission card and a
written and dated proxy form. Proxy forms may be valid for a  maximum
of 12  months. Proxy  forms issued  to the  Supervisory Board  shall,
however, apply to a specific general meeting with an agenda known  in

                             Article 18

Resolutions put to the vote at general meetings shall be passed by  a
simple majority  of votes  unless legislation  or these  articles  of
association stipulate otherwise.

Resolutions to amend the company's articles of association or to wind
up the company require a majority vote of not less than two-thirds of
the votes cast as well as of the voting share capital represented  at
the general meeting.

Minutes of the  proceedings at general  meetings and the  resolutions
adopted shall be recorded in a minute book, which shall be signed  by
the chairman  of the  meeting  and the  chairman of  the  Supervisory

                        The Supervisory Board

                             Article 19

The Supervisory Board has eight  members elected by the  shareholders
in general meeting for a term of one year.

As long as Tryg i Danmark smba owns more than 50% of the share
capital, the Supervisory Board is elected as follows:

-           Four members are elected among the members of the
supervisory board of Tryg i Danmark smba, including the chairman of
the supervisory board of Tryg i Danmark smba.

-           The other four members are elected among candidates who
are not also members of the board of representative, the supervisory
board or the executive management of Tryg i Danmark smba, or who do
not have a business or other professional relationship with Tryg i
Danmark smba or a family relationship with any of the aforementioned
persons. The determination of whether a Supervisory Board member or a
proposed Supervisory Board member meets the requirements of this
article 19(2) is made by the Supervisory Board.

Supervisory Board members are  eligible for re-election. Persons  who
have reached  the age  of 70  cannot be  elected to  the  Supervisory
Board. Supervisory Board members must retire at the end of the annual
general meeting held in the year after they turn 70.

A Supervisory Board member  who has held office  for a total of  nine
years must also retire. However, if the end of the nine-year term  of
office does not coincide with an annual general meeting, such  member
shall retire  not later  than at  the next  following annual  general

In addition to the members elected by the shareholders, the employees
of the company  and its subsidiaries  appoint four Supervisory  Board
members and four alternates  for a term of  one year under a  special
agreement with the employee associations of Tryg Forsikring A/S.

If the employees of the company and its subsidiaries decide to  elect
company and/or group  representation in the  company pursuant to  the
statutory provisions or if the agreement referred to in article 19(5)
is terminated  by  either  party, the  employees'  right  to  appoint
members pursuant to article 19(5) will lapse.

As long as  Tryg i  Danmark smba  holds more  than 50%  of the  share
capital, the chairman of the supervisory board of Tryg i Danmark smba
in office from  time to  time shall  be chairman  of the  Supervisory
Board of the company.

The Supervisory Board elects a deputy chairman.

The Supervisory  Board forms  a  quorum when  at  least half  of  its
members, including  the chairman  or  deputy chairman,  are  present.
Matters considered by the Supervisory  Board are decided by a  simple
majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the chairman, or  in
his absence the deputy chairman, shall have the casting vote.

The Supervisory  Board  shall  adopt  its  rules  of  procedure.  The
Supervisory Board may set  up committees to  do preparatory work  for
the Supervisory Board's decisions.

Executive Management

                             Article 20

The Supervisory Board appoints the Executive Management consisting of
between two and six members  and appoints a chief executive  officer.
The Executive Management is in charge of the day-to-day management of
the company. The Supervisory Board establishes rules of procedure for
the Executive Management.

                   Powers to sign for the company

                             Article 21

The company is bound in legal transactions by the joint signatures of
all members of the  Supervisory Board. The company  is also bound  in
legal transactions by the joint signatures  of any one member of  the
Supervisory Board and any one member of the Executive Management,  or
by  the  joint  signatures  of  any  two  members  of  the  Executive
Management. The Supervisory Board may confer powers of procuration.


                             Article 22

The company's annual  report shall be  audited by a  state-authorised
public accountant appointed at the general meeting for a term of  one

Financial year

                             Article 23

The financial year is the calendar year.


                             Article 24

The company's articles of association and the most recent approved
annual report are available to the public at the company's website.
Copies are available upon request from the company's office.

                       Transitional provisions

                             Article 25

The term of office of nine  years referred to in article 19(4)  shall
apply to Supervisory Board members elected for the first time by  the
shareholders at the annual general meeting  to be held in the  spring
of 2006 or  later. Supervisory  Board members elected  for the  first
time prior to the annual general meeting to be held in the spring  of
2006 shall not be eligible  for re-election after the annual  general
meeting to be held in the spring of 2013.


As adopted at the statutory general meeting held on 28 January and
most recently amended at extraordinary general meetings held on 28
June 2002, 30 September 2002, 9 October 2002, 3 December 2002, 31
July 2003, 21 January 2004, 26 April 2004, 8 June 2004, 6 October
2004, 7 April 2005, 21 September 2005, 30 March 2006 and 28 March

Chairman of the meeting:


This is a translation of the original Danish articles of association
of TrygVesta A/S. In case of any discrepancies, the wording of the
Danish original applies.
