Atorka Group - Financial reporting for 2005

At a meeting today, 30 March 2007, the Board of Directors of Atorka Group hf. ratified the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year 2005, which have been revised.  In Atorka Group's original annual financial statements for the year 2005, which were publicised on 20 February 2006, it is stated in note 11 that, if the Company's ownership share in certain investment projects has not decreased, their assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses will be included in the Company's accounts as of the date of purchase, in accordance with IAS standard 27, Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements. Because Atorka's ownership share has not decreased, the Company has revised its accounts for the year 2005 in order to fulfil this requirement. This means that, in addition to the previously publicised financial statements for 2005, the Company has prepared consolidated financial statements for that year.  Furthermore, attention is drawn to the fact that the comparative figures in the year-2006 financial statements are consistent with the revised consolidated financial statements for the year 2005. The comparative figures in the parent company's financial statements for 2006 are the same as those previously published in the year-2005 accounts. The effects of these revised financial statements are as follows: the Company's profit for 2005 is ISK 2.3 million lower, and equity is ISK 195.5 million higher, than was stated in the originally prepared financial statements for 2005. 

For further information, contact Magnus Jonsson, CEO of Atorka +354 840 6240


Atorka Group  - 12 2005 samstaeda.pdf