Coloplast - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme

As informed in Stock Exchange Announcement No. 5/2007 the Board of Directors of
Coloplast has decided to initiate a share buy-back programme in the order of 
DKK 1 billion during 2007 and part of 2008. 

A first buy-back programme within the scope of the authority will be exercised
in the period from 5 March 2007 to 15 August 2007. The volume of trading in own
shares will be limited to a maximum total market value of DKK 500 million. This
programme is expected to be followed by an additional programme in August 2007. 

Under the programme the following transactions have been executed during the
period 26.03.07-30.03.07 : 

Date	Number of shares	Average buying price	Amount DKK
26.03.07	11,900	         475.98	                   5,664,162
27.03.07	10,500	         473.75	                   4,974,375
28.03.07	11,000	         470.38	                   5,174,180
29.03.07	 8,000	         473.23	                   3,785,840
30.03.07	 8,000	         473.62	                   3,788,960
Total	49,400		                           23,387,517

Henceforth, Coloplast owns 2,142,059 own B shares of DKK 5 equal to 4.46% of
the company's total share capital. 

Bought back since 
start of programme	         Number of shares	Amount DKK (gross)
	                  201,700	         95,200,354

Further information

Investors and financial analysts	
Jørgen Fischer Ravn
Head of Investor Relations 
Tlf. 4911 1308
Press and the media	
Jens Tovborg Jensen
Head of Media Relations
Tel. + 45 3085 1922

This information is available in a Danish and an English version. In case of
discrepancies, the Danish version will prevail.


company information 2 april 2007.pdf