Tryggingamiðstöðin - Directors dealings

Name of insider	Guðmundur Pétur Davíðsson
Relations with the issuer	Board member
Date of transaction	1.4.2007
Buy or Sell	Sala / Sale
Type of instrument	Hlutabréf / Equities
Number of shares	385.643.611
Price	38
Primary insider's holdings after the transaction	0
Primary insider's option holdings after the transaction	0
Related parties holdings after the transaction	0
Date of settlement	 

Guðmundur Pétur Davíðsson is a board member in Fjárfestingafélagið Grettir hf. and a boardmember in Tryggingamiðstöðin hf. Fjárfestingarfélagið Grettir hf. is owned by Sund ehf 49,05%, Hansa ehf. 28,51% og Opera fjárfestinga ehf 20,6%, other shareholders have 1,84%. The owners of Sund ehf. are Gunnþórunn Jónsdóttir, Jón Kristjánsson and Gabríela Kristjánsdóttir. Hansa ehf  is owned by Björgólfur Guðmundsson and Opera fjárfestingar ehf. is owned by Björgólfur Guðmundsson and Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson.  

At the same time Sund ehf. is selling all shares in Fjárfestingafélagið Grettir hf. From this day Sund ehf. has no shares in Fjárfestingafélagið Grettir hf.