no 23/07 New monthly market report from the Nord Pool group available

The Nord Pool group has published a new monthly market report covering the key figures for the activity in the physical and financial market during the previous month. 

Lysaker, 3 April 2007

The report is available on Nord Pool's web site .

If you are interested in subscribing to the group market report, please send an e-mail to .

For further information, please contact Nord Pool:  

Nord Pool ASA Norway
Lars Galtung, vice president communications, 
phone: +47 67 52 80 80/ + 47 98 21 48 12

Nord Pool Finland OY 
Karri Mäkelä, director Finland, 
phone: +358 9 6840 4810

Nord Pool ASA Sweden
Tanja Ilic, senior vice president sales, 
phone: +46 8 555 166 22

Nord Pool Spot Sweden
Rickard Nilsson, project manager, 
phone: +46 8 555 166 06 

Nord Pool Spot Denmark
Anders Houmøller, director Denmark, 
phone: +45 63 11 23 00