TeliaSonera improves service to media and stakeholders

Press Release
April 10, 2007

TeliaSonera improves service to media and stakeholders

TeliaSonera strengthens its focus on relations with media, authorities and
politicians by creating two new units - Media Relations, who manages the groups
all communication with media, and Public Affairs, where all communication with
politicians and authorities is focused.

Thomas Westlind, previous head of External Communication, will be responsible
for the whole group's initiatives towards Public Affairs. Gunnar Forsgren will
continue focusing on the public affairs issues in Brussels. Ola Kallemur, who
today is head of TeliaSonera's long-term Public Relations, will also have the
responsibility for the group's relations with the media.

The new units are up and running from April 1, 2007.

For further information journalists can contact:
Press service at TeliaSonera AB, +46-(0)8-713 58 30

Forward-Looking Statements
Statements made in the press release relating to future status or circumstances,
including future performance and other trend projections are forward-looking
statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and
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TeliaSonera is the leading telecommunications company in the Nordic and Baltic
regions. At the end of December 2005 TeliaSonera had 19,146,000 mobile customers
(69,887,000 incl associated companies) and 7,064,000 fixed telephony customers
(7,688,000 incl associated companies) and 2,263,000 internet customers
(2,331,000 incl associated companies). Outside the home markets TeliaSonera has
extensive interests in the growth markets in Russia, Turkey and Eurasia.
TeliaSonera is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and the Helsinki Stock
Exchange. Net sales January-December 2005 amounted to SEK 87.7 billion. The
number of employees was 28,175

