Seminars for the board of directors and senior management during 2007 (10/07)

The Stockholm Stock Exchange will during 2007 offer seminars, free of charge, for the board of directors, senior management, and auditors in the listed companies. These seminars address the Listing Agreement, the listing requirements, and insider issues and the purpose is to enhance the knowledge regarding exchange related issues. 

25 April
13:15 - 16:30 OMX, The Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tullvaktsvägen 15
22 May
13:15 - 16:30 Note in Swedish!OMX, The Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tullvaktsvägen 15
5 September
13:15 - 16:30 OMX, The Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tullvaktsvägen 15
20 September
13:15 - 16:30 Note in Swedish! OMX, The Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tullvaktsvägen 15
25 October
13:15 - 16:30 Note in Swedish! OMX, The Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tullvaktsvägen 15
14 November
13:15 - 16:30 OMX, The Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tullvaktsvägen 15
11 December
13:15 - 16:30 Note in Swedish! OMX, The Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tullvaktsvägen 15

In order to facilitate, the Stockholm Stock Exchange can, under certain circumstances and to a cost of SEK 30 000, provide seminars or videoconferences for individual companies. 

In order to participate, please go to the web page of the Stockholm Stock Exchange under About Trading/Training/Registration/Seminars board of directors and senior management

We are looking forward to meet the company's board of directors and senior management and to offer a rewarding seminar concerning these important issues. 
