Grant of warrants

11 April 2007                                                                   

IC Companys A/S - Grant of warrants                                             

At its meeting held on 11 April 2007, the Board of Directors resolved to grant  
10,000 warrants to one executive who have taken up a position since the last    
grant of warrants in May 2006. The warrants will be granted under the           
authorisation in article 6A of IC Companys' articles of association. The        
warrants granted entitle the holders to subscribe up to 10,000 shares by up to  
one third in the autumn of 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively, following the      
release of the annual report. The exercise price will be determined as set out  
in the company's articles of association as the average market price during the 
last five business days prior to the Board's decision, however, not less than   
the market price “all trades” on 11 April 2007. The exercise price will be      
increased by 5% per year as from 11 April 2007. Unexercised warrants in respect 
of one year can be transferred to the subsequent year during the term of the    

Following the grant, DKK 600,000 nominal value will remain of the Board's       
authorisation to issue warrants.                                                

The fair value of the warrant plan has been determined at DKK 0.5 million. The  
fair value has been determined using the Black & Scholes model, assuming a      
future volatility rate of 29% p.a., an expected payout ratio of 1.1% and a      
risk-free interest rate of 4.1%.                                                

The fair value of the plan will be recognised in the income statement over the  
term of the plan.                                                               

IC Companys A/S                                                                 

Henrik Theilbjørn					                                                          
President & CEO                                                                 

Henrik Theilbjørn, 
President & CEO		
Tel +45 3266 7646

Chris Bigler, 
Tel +45 3266 7017                                         

This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the event of any
 discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the Danish version shall  

