Annual General Meeting of Securitas AB (publ)

At today's Annual General Meeting of Securitas AB (publ) the
following was resolved:

Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting resolved that the number of Board members
shall be ten with no deputy members. The Meeting re-elected Carl
Douglas, Gustaf Douglas, Marie Ehrling, Annika Falkengren, Stuart E.
Graham, Berthold Lindqvist, Fredrik Palmstierna, Melker Schörling and
Sofia Schörling Högberg and elected the new Board member Alf
Göransson, who succeeded Thomas Berglund as President as of March 5,
2007. Thomas Berglund declined re-election. Melker Schörling was
re-elected Chairman of the Board. The fee to the Board members was
determined to SEK 4,800,000 in total (including fees for committee
work) apportioned so that the Chairman of the Board shall receive SEK
900,000, the deputy Chairman SEK 650,000 and the other Board members,
except for the President, SEK 400,000 each. The Chairman of the Audit
Committee shall receive SEK 200,000, the Chairman of the Remuneration
Committee SEK 100,000, member of the Audit Committee SEK 100,000 and
member of the Remuneration Committee SEK 50,000.

Nomination Committee
The Meeting elected Gustaf Douglas, Melker Schörling, Marianne
Nilsson (Swedbank Robur) and Mats Tunér (SEB Fonder) as members of
the Nomination Committee before the Annual General Meeting 2008.
Further, the Nomination Committee can appoint one additional member
to the Committee. Gustaf Douglas was appointed Chairman of the

In accordance with the proposal of the Board, the Meeting resolved to
declare a dividend of SEK 3.10 per share. April 20, 2007 was
determined as record date for dividend and payment from the Central
Securities Depository (Sw: VPC) is expected to commence on April 25,

Guidelines for remuneration to management
The Annual General Meeting resolved on adoption of guidelines for
remuneration to management principally entailing that the
remuneration and other terms of employment shall be competitive and
in accordance with market conditions, in order to ensure that the
Securitas Group will be able to attract and keep competent management
employees. To sum up, the guidelines entail that the total
remuneration to management shall consist of fixed annual salary,
variable remuneration, pensions and other benefits. The variable
remuneration shall amount to a maximum of 50 % of the fixed annual
salary for the President, and 35-100 % for other management
employees, and be based on the outcome in relation to financial goals
and growth targets within the individual area of responsibility
(group or division).
Pension rights for management employees shall be applicable as from
the age of 65 at the earliest, the pension plans shall be fee-based
and insurance premiums transferred from the individual's total
remuneration and paid by the company during the term of employment.
At dismissal of a management employee, the notice period shall amount
to a maximum of 12 months with a right to redundancy payment
equivalent to a maximum of 100 % of the fixed salary for not more
than 12 months. At resignation by a management employee, the notice
period shall amount to a maximum of 6 months. The full guidelines can
be found on the company website.

CEO comments
President and CEO Alf Göransson reported on Securitas administration
during the year 2006 and commented further work within Securitas. The
script and the presentation are to be found in complete versions at The quotas below are from the script and refer to
the operations:"My impression is that our US organization is strong and well
organized, and that the acquisitions carried out from 1999 to 2001
that have made Securitas the market leader, are now truly together
under one and the same flag and that management has successfully
corralled the operations' history and diverse roots under the
Securitas banner. We are well equipped to take on new challenges in
the USA"."During the past year, management in Europe has divided operations
and organized them to serve customers - with permanent guarding for
large customers, and patrolling and electronic alarm monitoring for
small and medium-sized customers.This specialization improves each
area's ability to develop its services, increase its growth and
create a focus within Securitas to develop the right type of customer
service - regardless of whether it concerns a large multinational
corporation, a small store in a large city or rural community, or a
security installation installed by a third party"."As regards Loomis - the Securitas cash management services and
secure transportation operations - we intend to divest the division
to shareholders and list the operation on the stock market in the
second half of the year, following the same procedure as was used for
Systems and Direct. This time plan is however dependent on stability
in the UK cash management operation"."We have begun the process of taking the Securitas strategy one step
further, and I intend to summarize and present this endeavor,
providing more substance and concrete examples, in conjunction with
the presentation of our six-month interim report in August".

This press release is also available at:


Alf Göransson, President and CEO Securitas AB    +46 (0)  8 657 74 00
Håkan Winberg, Executive Vice President and CFO  +44 (0) 20 8432 6554
Henrik Brehmer, Senior Vice President Investor   +44 (0) 20 8432 6523

The press release can be downloaded from the enclosed link.


Press release PDF