Agreements with Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. and Europe Vision Plc

Europeinvestment A/S
(formerly Live Networks Holding A/S)
CVR no. 10435013
c/o Belle Balance International ApS
Kongevejen 53, DK-2840  Holte
Telephone  0046 8 545 00140

Stock Exchange Notification 2007-04-18

Re.:  Agreements with Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. and Europe Vision Plc

With effect as of 17 April 2007, Europeinvestment A/S has entered into a loan
facility agreement with Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. and a Film Fund
Agreement with Europe Vision Plc. 

Loan Facility Agreement

By the Loan Facility Agreement effective as of 17 April 2007, Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. has obliged itself to put at least € 7,500,000
available for draw-down by Europeinvestment A/S in order to finance its
activities. A further € 2,500,000 may be drawn down, provided Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. approves the purpose of the draw-down. 

The main terms of the Loan Facility Agreement are the following:

•	Interest of 6 % per annum, which interest is added to the principal of the
loan at the end of each quarter. 
•	The loan may be repaid by Europeinvestment A/S at any time. In connection
with repayment, the Borrower shall give the Lender 7 days' notice and offer the
Lender to convert its receivable into shares in the Borrower. If the Lender
accepts such offer, the conversion shall take place at par value or at market
price, whichever is higher. 
•	Europeinvestment A/S provides no security to the Lender.
•	The loan shall be repaid in full on 30 August 2008. If the Borrower is not
able to repay the Loan at the repayment date, the debt shall instead be settled
by a conversion into shares of the Borrower at market price. If the market
price of the shares of Europeinvestment A/S at the repayment date is lower than
par value, Europeinvestment A/S will in order to comply with its obligations
under the Loan Facility Agreement be obliged to reduce the nominal value of
each share. 

The Loan Facility Agreement is expected to cover the short term cash
requirements of Europeinvestment A/S and will enable Europeinvestment A/S to
continue with the plans for the Company as an active investment company,
including the co-operation with Europe Vision Plc in relation to a film fund,
cf. below. 

It is the intention of Europeinvestment A/S and Aladdin Investment Services
Ltd. to convert the first DKK 17,450,000 of the loan drawn down to shares in
Europeinvestment A/S at par value, i.e. by issue of 3,490,000 new shares. This
may be done without a prospectus since Europeinvestment A/S is allowed to issue
new shares for up to 10 % of the total share capital without a prospectus. 

Film Fund Agreement

With effect as of 17 April 2007, Europeinvestment A/S and Europe Vision Plc
have signed an agreement with regard to a framework for funding the development
of ideas, treatments, books and scripts into fully developed screenplays
packaged with talent so as to procure funding for production. 

Each of Europeinvestment A/S and Europe Vision Plc have agreed to make
available up to a maximum amount of € 2.5 million during the next 12 months. 

In order that any particular project shall be funded, the parties shall firstly
agree in each case the identity of the project, the steps required, the
projected timeline and the budget therefore. 

Once agreed, all costs shall be advanced and paid on a 50:50 basis.

All distribution and exploitation rights of any audio visual product derived
from the project shall be vested equally between Europe Vision Plc and
Europeinvestment A/S. 

In the event that a project is partially developed and one party wishes to
further spend monies but the other does not, then the party wishing to proceed
may purchase the other party's share by the payment to that other party of 200%
of that which that party has spent previously. 

The parties have agreed that the film fund's first project will be a new film
called ‘Sebastian's Love' written by the Oscar-winning Lasse Halström. 

The further projects will focus on mainstream English language films with an
international appeal. 

Signature and Notification

The intention of Europeinvestment A/S was to sign the above mentioned two
agreements simultaneously and to notify simultaneously with signature of both
agreements. By mistake, the agreement with Europe Vision Plc was signed
yesterday, on 17 April 2007, instead of today. 

The agreement with Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. was agreed by Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. on 17 April 2007 and has been signed by
Europeinvestment A/S today with effect as of 17 April 2007. 

Europe Vision Plc notified the signature of the agreement on 17 April 2007.

Related Parties

The managing director of Europeinvestment A/S is Castro Khatib. Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. is a company controlled by the Khatib family. The
terms of the agreement are in the opinion of the Board of Directors of
Europeinvestment A/S made on arms length terms or better. In that connection it
may be emphasized that the loan is unsecured and carries an interest of only 6
% per annum. 

Europeinvestment A/S owns 34,661,750 shares, corresponding to 25.5 % of the
share capital, of Europe Vision Plc. The agreement with Europe Vision Plc is
related to a mutual co-operation with an equal share of expenses and profits
and is thus in the opinion of the Board of Directors of Europeinvestment A/S
made on arms length terms. 

Effect for Europeinvestment A/S

The agreements specified above are not expected to affect the result of
Europeinvestment A/S for 2007. 

Questions may be made to managing director Castro Khatib at telephone 0046 8
545 00140. 

Europeinvestment A/S