Notice of calling an annual general meeting of AS Eesti Telekom

Dear shareholder of AS Eesti Telekom,                                           

We hereby inform you that the management board of AS Eesti Telekom, registration
No. 10234957, address Roosikrantsi 2, Tallinn, calls an annual general meeting  
of shareholders of AS Eesti Telekom. The annual general meeting of shareholders 
will be held on 22 May 2007 at 1:00 p.m. at National Library of Estonia         
(Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn).                                                         

The shareholders registered in the share register of AS Eesti Telekom on 12 May 
2007 at 11.59 p.m. have the right to vote at the general meeting.               

Registration for the general meeting starts on 22 May 2007 at 12:00 a.m. at the 
place of the meeting. For registration for the meeting:                         

A shareholder, being a natural person, must present a passport or identity card 
as an identity document, a representative must also present a duly executed     
power of attorney;                                                              
A representative of a shareholder, being a legal person, must present an extract
from the respective (commercial) register, where the legal person is registered 
(for an Estonian legal person, a copy of the Commercial Register's card B, which
is not older than 15 days), proving the right of the person to represent the    
shareholder (legal authorisation), and the representative's identity document;  
if the person is not a legal representative, a duly executed power of attorney  
(authorisation by transaction) and the representative's identity document must  
be produced in addition to the extract from the register.                       

Documents (except for the power of attorney) of a legal person registered in a  
foreign country must be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the     
Republic of Estonia or by a foreign representation of the Republic of Estonia,  
or confirmed with apostille.                                                    

The 2006 Annual Report, independent auditor's report, Articles of Association,  
draft resolutions of the general meeting, Statement of the Supervisory Board,   
data on new members of the Supervisory Board and on the auditor are available   
for all shareholders on the Internet at and in the office 
of AS Eesti Telekom at Roosikrantsi 2, Tallinn from April 23, 2007 on workdays  
from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Any questions regarding the general meeting can be 
asked by phone (372) 6 311 212, on the Internet at, or by 
mail to                                                     
COUNCIL OF AS EESTI TELEKOM ON 18 APRIL 2007                                    

1. Approval of the 2006 Annual Report and allocation of profits:               

1.1 To approve the 2006 Annual Report.                                         

1.2 To distribute consolidated retained earnings of the Eesti Telekom Group as 
of the end of the year 2006, attributable to the equity holders of the parent   
company of the Group, totalling 2,234,831 thousand EEK as follows:              

To distribute among the shareholders and pay to the shareholders as dividends   
1,310,568 thousand EEK, i.e. 9.50 EEK per share, based on a total of 137,954,528
shares entitled to dividends.                                                   

To leave the residual retained earnings totalling 924,263 thousand EEK          
undistributed among the shareholders.                                           

The list of shareholders based on which dividends will be distributed shall be  
fixed at 23:59 p.m. on 8th of June 2007. The dividends shall be paid out on 19th
of June 2007.                                                                   

2. Amendment of the Articles of Association:                                   

To amend the articles of association of AS Eesti Telekom as follows:            

To amend clause 5.2.4(9) and formulate it as follows: “deciding on conclusion   
and terms and conditions of transactions with the members of the Council,       
deciding on the conduct of legal disputes with the members of the Council, and  
appointment of the representative of the Company in such transactions and       

To amend clause 5.3.1 and formulate it as follows: “The Council shall be        
comprised of six (6) to ten (10) members elected by the General Meeting. The    
members of the Council shall be elected for a term of two (2) years.”           

To amend clause 5.3.3(7) and formulate it as follows: “transactions of the      
Company exceeding the limits established by the Council in a single transaction 
or series of related transactions;”.                                            

To amend clause 5.3.3(10) and formulate it as follows: “deciding on the         
Company's transactions with the members of the Board, terms and conditions of   
the transactions, as well as deciding on the conduct of legal disputes with the 
members of the Board and appointment of the representative of the Company in    
such transactions and disputes.”                                                

Explanations to the amendments of the Articles of Association can be read at                                                          

3. Buy-back option of AS Eesti Telekom shares                                  

To authorize AS Eesti Telekom to acquire, within one year from the adoption of  
this resolution (i.e. until 22 May 2008), AS Eesti Telekom shares so that the   
total of the nominal values of such shares held by AS Eesti Telekom will not    
exceed the limits prescribed by law, and the price paid per share will not      
exceed the highest price paid for a AS Eesti Telekom share on the Tallinn Stock 
Exchange on the day of the share acquisition. AS Eesti Telekom will pay for the 
said shares from the company's assets that exceed its share capital, reserve    
capital, and share premium. The number of shares to be acquired each time in    
accordance with this resolution shall be determined on each occasion separately 
by a resolution of the Supervisory Council of AS Eesti Telekom.                 

4. Recall and election of the Supervisory Council members                      

To recall the following members of the Supervisory Council of AS Eesti Telekom: 
Terje Christoffersen, Anders Gylder, Jörgen Latte, Tarmo Porgand, Mats          
Salomonsson, Aare Tark and Heido Vitsur.                                        

To consider the members of the Council recalled and the term of their           
authorities as members of the Council terminated from the moment of this        

To elect as members of the Supervisory Council of AS Eesti Telekom: Terje       
Christoffersen, Anders Gylder, Jörgen Latte, Tarmo Porgand, Mats Salomonsson,   
Aare Tark and Jüri Raatma.                                                      

To consider the above persons elected and the term of their authorities as      
members of the Council commenced from the moment of this decision.              

5. Remuneration of the Supervisory Council members                             

The members of the Supervisory Council may be paid the following remuneration:  
Chairman of the Council 20,000 EEK per month and a Member of the Council 9,000  
EEK per month. Members of the Council may be compensated for actual expenses    
related to executing their duties (e.g. accommodation, transport, and           
communications) on the basis of an application made by a Member of the Council. 

6. Election and remuneration principles of an auditor                          

To appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (reg. No. 10142876) as an auditor of AS    
Eesti Telekom in the financial year of 2007. The provision of services and      
remuneration for the auditing services will be based on a contract entered into 
with the auditing company.