Fixed income: Registration of Treasury bill (32/07)

Stockholm Stock Exchange has decided to register the following instrument with effect from 
April 20th, 2007: 

	Swedish Treasury bill 0809
	Expiration date: September 17th, 2008
	ISIN code: SE0002015008
	Short name: RGKT 0809 IY
	Orderbook ID: 40050

The loan will be registered at the Stockholm Stock Exchange, submarket OMX SSE SNDO Issuing.

	Swedish Treasury bill 0809
	Expiration date: September 17th, 2008
	ISIN code: SE0002015008
	Short name: RGKT 0809
	Orderbook ID: 40049

The loan will be registered at the Stockholm Stock Exchange, submarket Benchmarket bonds list. 

