Ruukki Group Plc's Annual General Meeting was held in Espoo on Friday 20 April
2007. The Board of Director's proposals for the Annual General Meeting have
been published by a stock exchange release on 30 March 2007. 

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting were the following:

The Annual General Meeting approved the financial statements for the financial
year 1 January 2006 - 31 December 2006. 

The Annual General Meeting decided to pay out a dividend of EUR 0.03 per share
from company's retained earnings. However the new shares issued in February
2007 in conjunction with the conversions of convertible bond notes are not
entitled to the dividend. Also, the new shares which will be issued through the
free directed issue decided today by the Annual General Meeting are not
entitled to this dividend. The record date for payment is 25 April 2007 and the
dividend will be paid on 3 May 2007.

The Annual General Meeting discharged the Board of Directors and the Managing
Director from liability.

The number of Board members was decided to be eight. The existing members of
the Board were fully re-elected, including the following individuals: Fredrik
Danielsson, Mikko Haapanen, Timo Honkala, Markku Kankaala, Matti Lainema, Kai
Mäkelä, Matti Vikkula and Ahti Vilppula. After the Annual General Meeting the
Board organised itself so that Matti Vikkula continues as the Chairman of the
Board and Kai Mäkelä as the Vice Chairman of the Board. 

The Annual General Meeting resolved the compensation of the Board of Directors
as follows: Chairman of the Board EUR 12,000/year, Deputy Chairman EUR
9,000/year, and Member EUR 6,000/year. 

The Annual General Meeting re-elected the current Auditors KPMG Ltd and Mr.
Reino Tikkanen, APA. 

The Annual General Meeting decided that the Articles of Association of the
Company will be partly amended in accordance with the Board of Directors'

The Annual General Meeting decided in accordance with the Board proposition to
carry out directed free share issue totalling 598,285 new shares by deviating
from the shareholders' pre-emptive right of subscription so that new shares are
issued to sellers of Pan-Oston Ltd and Lappipaneli Ltd. This directed share
issue relates to earn-out liabilities based on above mentioned companies'
financial year 2006 performance.

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorise the Board of Directors to
decide on share issue, as well as on granting option rights and other special
rights that entitle to shares. At the maximum 25,000,000 new or existing
shares, equalling approximately 17.9 per cent of the total number of shares,
may be issued by virtue of this authorisation. 

It was decided that the terms of the option program I/2005 shall be updated
taking into account the new Companies Act. 

The Annual General Meeting decided that the shares in the joint book-entry
account, of whose part a registration of ownership to a book-entry account has
not been demanded even though five years have passed since the registration
date, shall be sold. The balance of the joint book-entry account on 10 April
2007 totals 47,500 shares that correspond to approximately 0.3 per cent of the
total number of shares. The shares in question shall be sold via the stock
exchange in the name of the owners of the shares. 



Ruukki Group is a multi-sector industrial group having mainly majority
ownership interests in various small and medium-sized companies in e.g. house
building, sawmilling business, furniture business and care services. Ruukki
Group's share (RUG1V) is listed on OMX Nordic Exchange's so-called small cap

For further information, please contact:

Antti Kivimaa
Chief Executive Officer
Ruukki Group Plc
Telephone +358 400 501 780