- Benedikt Gíslason, managing director of proprietary trading has resigned

Benedikt Gíslason, managing director of proprietary trading has resigned and
will leave Straumur in October 2007. 
Flemming Bendsen has joined proprietary trading.  Flemming has worked in London
and Scandinavia for over 20 years in proprietary trading, most recently as the
head of Scandinavian proprietary desk at JP Morgan in London. 
Fredrik Sjöstrand has joined proprietary trading. Fredrik has 20 years
experience in proprietary trading, in Sweden, Luxembourg and London, and his
last two roles were Head of Trading at Svenska Handelsbanken, Stockholm, and
Head of Risk Management. 
Lars Bo has joined proprietary trading, he has over 20 years experience in
mortgage bond trading and was head of trading at Nykredit, Copenhagen.