The Chairman's report

Attached please find below text and the Chairman's report in full as PDF files.

Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange                               Announcement No. 15
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                   25 April 2007
1067 Copenhagen K                                                   Page 1 of 1

Annual General Meeting - Reduction of the share capital and election of a new
board member 

NORDEN's Board of Directors has decided to convene an extraordinary general
meeting before long, during which the Board of Directors will propose that the
share capital be reduced by 73,750 shares corresponding to 3.2% of the
Company's present share capital. 

This is stated in Chairman Mogens Hugo Jørgensen's report at NORDEN's annual
general meeting held today (25 April) at 11 am in Copenhagen.

The grounds given for the proposal to reduce the share capital are a wish to
reduce NORDEN's holding of treasury shares and at the same time increase the
value creation for the shareholders. The holding of treasury shares is today
209,077 shares, corresponding to 9.1% of the share capital. 

In his report, Mogens Hugo Jørgensen furthermore states that the Board of
Directors also during an extraordinary general meeting will suggest election of
a new member to the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the proposals for election
at today's annual general meeting are limited to election of CEO Dag Rasmussen
as a new member and re-election of Managing Director Einar K. Fredvik. 

The report is attached in full.

                                 Kind regards
                        Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S

                             Mogens Hugo Jørgensen

Contact persons at tel. +45 33 15 04 51:
Mogens Hugo Jørgensen, Chairman, and Carsten Mortensen, President & CEO.

                        Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S
                                49, Amaliegade
                             DK-1256 COPENHAGEN K


attachment to no. 15 - the chairmans report in full.pdf no. 15 - the chairmans report agm 2007.pdf