Bavarian Nordic A/S - Report on the Results of the Annual General Meeting, held 26 April 2007

The Annual General Meeting of Bavarian Nordic A/S was held today 26 April 2007  
with the following results:                                                     

The Board of Director's Report and Financial Statements for 2006 were adopted at
the General Meeting. The Board of Directors' proposal to transfer the company's 
2006 result to 2007 was also adopted.                                           

Asger J. Aamund, Eigil Bjerl Nielsen, Flemming Pedersen and Erling Johansen were
re-elected to the Board of Directors.                                           

Deloitte was re-elected as auditors.                                            

The General Assembly adopted the Board of Directors' proposal to amend:         

§ 4 of the Articles of Association (stock split);                               
§ 5a of the Articles of Association (Authorisation for Increase of the Company's
Share Capital);                                                                 
§ 5b of the Articles of Association (Authorization for issuing Warrants for     
§ 8 of the Articles of Association (Keeper of Stock Register);                  
§ 10, sub-section 6 of the Articles of Association (Distribution of printed     

The adoption however, could not be approved since less than half of the total   
share capital was represented at the General Meeting. The proposals will be     
re-submitted for adoption at an extraordinary General Meeting, to be convened no
later than 14 days after the Annual General Meeting, in accordance with § 16 of 
the Articles of Association.                                                    

The Board of Directors were given authorisation to let the Company purchase its 
own shares of company stock in the period up to the next Annual General Meeting.

Kvistgård, 26 April 2007                                                        

Asger Aamund                                                                    

Contacts:	Peter Wulff, President & CEO                                          
	Telephone: +45 33 26 83 83                                                     

	Media: United Kingdom		Media: United States of America                         
	Mary Clark, Capital MS&L	Elizabeth Dempsey Becker, Bavarian Nordic Inc.        
	Telephone: +44 207 307 5330	Telephone: +1 202 536-1576                         

About Bavarian Nordic A/S:                                                      
Bavarian Nordic (CSE: BAVA) is a leading international biopharmaceutical company
developing and producing inno­vative vaccines to prevent and treat infectious   
diseases and cancer. With operations in Denmark, Germany, the USA, and          
Singapore, Bavarian Nordic employs over 200 people. Bavarian Nordic's patented  
technology, MVA-BN®, is as been demonstrated in clinicial studies, one of the   
world's safest, multivalent vac­cine vectors for the development of vaccines    
against various infectious diseases such as smallpox, HIV/AIDS, as well as      
against breast and prostate cancer. Several MVA-BN®-based HIV and smallpox      
vaccines are in clinical Phase I and Phase II trials. Bavarian Nordic has       
ongoing development contracts with the US government to develop IMVAMUNE® as a  
safe third-generation smallpox vaccine. Bavarian Nordic has supplied several    
other governments with smallpox vaccines.                                       
For more information please visit                       
“Safe Harbour" Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of  
Except for the historical information contained herein, this release contains   
"forward-looking state­ments" within the meaning of the Private Securities      
Reform Act of 1995. No "forward-looking state­ment" can be guaranteed, and      
actual results may differ materially from those projected. Bavarian Nor­­dic    
undertakes no obligation to publicly update any "forward-looking statement",    
whether as a re­sult of new information, future events, or otherwise. Additional
information regarding risks and unce­rtainties is set forth in the current      
Annual Report, which we incorporate by reference.                               
Stockwise Resumé                                                                
Bavarian Nordic A/S - Report on the Results of the Annual General Meeting, held 
26 April 2007

