The General Shareholders Meeting was held on April 26, 2007

The following resolutions were passed at the General Shareholders Meeting of    
Lietuvos Energija AB  (the Company Code 220551550):                             
1.  To asses the consolidated Annual Report of Lietuvos Energija AB and its     
subsidiaries for the year 2006, by approving the Financial Statements of        
Lietuvos Energija AB and the consolidated Financial Statements of Lietuvos      
Energija AB and its subsidiaries for the reported year.                         
2.  To assess the Auditor's Report by approving the Financial Statements of     
Lietuvos Energija AB and the consolidated Financial Statements of Lietuvos      
Energija AB and its subsidiaries for the year 2006.                             
3.  To approve Lietuvos Energija AB Financial Statements for the year 2006 and  
the consolidated Financial Statements of Lietuvos Energija AB and its           
subsidiaries for the reported year.                                             
4.  To approve Lietuvos Energija AB profit (loss) distribution:                 
|    |                           | Lt               | EUR                 |    |
| Retained earnings (loss) from the      | 0               | 0                 |
| previous fiscal year                   |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Retained earnings (loss) from the      | 18 361 598      | 5 317 886         |
| previous fiscal year                   |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Profit (loss) of the reported year,    | 23 754          | 6 880             |
| unrecognized in the profit (loss)      |                 |                   |
| statements                             |                 |                   |
| Shareholders contribution to cover     | 0               | 0                 |
| losses of the Company                  |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Transfers from reserves                | 2 000 000       | 579 240           |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Total distributed profit (loos)        | 20 385 352      | 5 904 006         |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Profit  distribution:                  |                 |                   |
| A part of profit transferred to the    | 0               | 0                 |
| legal reserve                          |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| A part of profit transferred to the    | 0               | 0                 |
| reserve for acquisition of the         |                 |                   |
| Company's own shares                   |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| A part of profit transferred to other  | 10 531 352      | 3 050 090         |
| reserves                               |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| A part of profit allocated for payment | 8 154 000       | 2 361 562         |
| of dividends*)                         |                 |                   |
| A part of profit allocated for yearly  | 1 700 000       | 492 354           |
| remunerations (bonuses), bonuses for   |                 |                   |
| employees and other purposes           |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |
|                Including:              |                 |                   |
| Bonuses for members of the Board       | 70 000          | 20 273            |
|                                        |                 |                   |
|                     Sponsorship        | 1 200 000       | 347 544           |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Bonuses for employees and other        | 430 000         | 124 537           |
| purposes                               |                 |                   |
| Retained earnings (loss) at the end of | 0               | 0                 |
| the fiscal year transferred to another |                 |                   |
| fiscal year	                           |                 |                   |
|                                        |                 |                   |

*) LTL 0.0118 per share with LTL1 face value.                                   

Ona Garnienė                                                                    
Leading economist                                                               
Phone 8 5 2782457