Nordea Invest, Delete from the Observation Segment

|                                      |             Copenhagen 27 April 2007  |
The Fund Market                                                                 

Delete from the Observation Segment                                             

The investment fund Nordea Invest                                               

All sub-funds under said fund are deleted from the observation segment due to   
the fact that the fund is now calculating NAV, cf. today's disclosure from the  

The sub-funds involved are:                                                     

”Aktiv Rente”                                                                   
”Europa Small Cap”                                                              
”High Yield Bonds”                                                              
”Lange obligationer”                                                            
”Lav Kuponrente”                                                                
”Nordic Small Cap”                                                              
”Stabile Aktier”                                                                
”Stratega Høj”                                                                  
”Stratega Lav”                                                                  
”Stratega Middel”                                                               
”Aktier II”                                                                     
”Global Vækst”                                                                  
”Global Value”                                                                  
”Emerging Markets”                                                              
”Danske aktier”                                                                 

The sub-funds are listed on the sub-market “UCITS” on the sub-market lists      
“Shares” and “Bonds” respectively.                                              

For further information please contact Kirsten Thaarup, Surveillance, tel. +45  
33 93 33 66


nordea invest observationslisten sletning medd uk.pdf