AB"Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė" General Meeting Decisions

The Company  General Meeting of the shareholders on 26 April,  
2007resolved to approve:
1.The annual report of the AB “Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė” for the    
year 2006 was heard.                                                            
2.Auditor's report for 2006 year was heard. 
3.To approve company's financial statements for the year 2006. 
4.The amount of LTL 161526(46781 Eur) used in 2006 year from reserves of LTL
180 000 (52131 Eur)is to be cancelled and profit not available for distribution
is to be increased by the amount of LTL 161526(46781 Eur). The rest of LTL 18
474 (15350 Eur)is to be available from reserves for distribution. 
5. To approve the profit (loss) distribution for the 2006 year(Ltl): 

| - Profit (loss) brought forward at the end of the   | -                      |
| last financial year                                 |                        |
| - Net profit (loss) of the financial year           |11 314 752(3276979 Eur) |
| - Transfers from reserve's                          | 180 000 (52131 Eur)
| - Profit (loss) to be appropriated in total         | 11 494 752(3329110 Eur)|
| - Part of the profit appropriated to legal reserve  | 565 738 (163849 Eur)   |
| - Part of the profit to investments                 | 9 599 539(2780219 Eur)
| - Part of profit appropriated to dividend payment   | 1 149 475(332911 Eur)
| - Part of the profit appropriated to                | 30 000 (8688 Eur)      |
| social-cultural needs                               |                        |
| - Part of the profit - for premium pay to the       | 150 000 (43443 Eur)    |
| employees                                           |                        |

Dividend payment : LTL 0,00572 (EUR 0,00165) per share.                         

Chief  accauntant                                                               
Arvydas Stropus                                                                 
(8-46) 393126