Done Solutions Corporation		                                                  
Stock Exchange Release             April 27, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. 

Done Solutions Corporation's Interim Report Q1/2007 (IFRS)                      

- Consolidated net sales: EUR 5.2 million (EUR 3.8 million in Q1/2006), up by   
37.8 percent from the previous year.                                            

- Consolidated operating profit: EUR 0.86 million (EUR 0.41 million), or 16.6   
percent of net sales (10.9 percent), up by 109.3 percent from the previous year.
- Net profit from continuing operations and net profit for the period: EUR 0.63 
million (EUR 0.42 million), or 12.2 percent of net sales (11.0 percent).        
- Earnings per share from continuing operations: EUR 0.010 (EUR 0.007). Equity  
ratio at 66.3 percent (49.4 percent).                                           
- Period-end cash and cash equivalents: EUR 2.5 million (EUR 4.2 million).      

- The Group predicts that consolidated net sales and operating profit for 2007  
will exceed the previous year's levels.                                         

BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT                                                            

Demand for documentation and visualization services provided by the Services    
segment remained firm throughout the reporting period, while demand for         
translation services remained strong.                                           

The Systems segment's automation systems recorded a good order intake, reflected
in high net sales reported for the period. Demand for software deliveries also  
remained at a sound level. The segment has extended its operations to cover not 
only Europe and North America but also new market areas, the segment seeing     
orders from Asia and Russia.                                                    

The Health Care segment showed firm demand for tonometers, especially the       
TonoVet used in veterinary medicine. An application for an FDA (Food and Drug   
Administration) license to sell iCare tonometers in the USA, submitted by Tiolat
Oy in December 2006, is pending. The segment's net sales growth rate during the 
rest of 2007 depends on how quickly the sales license application process will  
proceed and new markets open.                                                   

NET SALES, PROFITABILITY AND PROFIT                                             

Consolidated net sales for the period came to EUR 5.2 million (EUR 3.8 million),
up by 37.8 percent year on year.                                                

Consolidated operating profit amounted to EUR 0.86 million, accounting for 16.6 
percent of consolidated net sales (EUR 0.41 million, or 10.9 percent of         
consolidated net sales), up by 109.3 percent from the previous year.            

Pre-tax profit totaled EUR 0.86 million, accounting for 16.6 percent of net     
sales (EUR 0.50 million, or 13.2 percent of net sales), up by 72.5 percent year 
on year.                                                                        
Net profit from continuing operations and net profit for the period totaled EUR 
0.63, accounting for 12.2 percent of net sales (EUR 0.41 million, or 11.0       
percent of net sales), up by 53.7 percent from the previous year. The amount of 
expenses for deferred tax assets before profit recognized for Q1/2007 tax came  
to EUR 0.26 and for Q1/2006 EUR 0.00 million.                                   

Earnings per share rose to EUR 0.010 (EUR 0.007) and equity per share improved  
to EUR 0.175 (EUR 0.075). Diluted earnings per share equaled basic earnings per 

Services (Done Information), Systems (Done Logistics) and Health Care (Tiolat)  
form the Group's primary, IFRS-compliant segment reporting format. Net sales and
profit by segment were as follows:                                              

                   Net sales    Net sales        Segment profit                 
                    Q1/2007      Q1/2006       Q1/2007     Q1/2006              
                   MEUR  share  MEUR  share	  MEUR   %    MEUR   %              

Services            1.5   29%    1.3   35%     0.28  19    0.20  15             

Systems             2.6   51%    1.7   46%     0.33  13    0.25  14             

Health Care         1.1   20%    0.7   19%     0.41  39    0.15  21             

Total               5.2  100%    3.8  100%     1.02  20    0.59  16             

Parent company costs                          -0.16  -3   -0.18  -5             

Operating profit                               0.86  17    0.41  11             

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCIAL POSITION                                            

On March 31, 2007, consolidated balance-sheet total amounted to EUR 17.7 million
(EUR 11.3 million on March 31, 2006). Shareholders' equity came to EUR 11.6     
million (EUR 4.5 million). Interest-bearing liabilities totaled EUR 1.1 million 
(EUR 2.1 million) and gearing stood at -12.3 percent (-37.5 percent). At the    
period-end, equity ratio was 66.3 percent (49.4 percent) and cash and cash      
equivalents stood at EUR 2.5 million (EUR 4.2 million). In February, Done paid  
EUR 1.0 million for Kiinteistöyhtiö Kauhajoen Hakasivuntie 1 shares, previously 
shown under liabilities in the balance sheet.                                   

MAJOR EVENTS DURING THE PERIOD                                                  

Pekka Pystynen, President and CEO of Done Solutions Corporation, entered sick   
leave on January 23, 2007 until further notice. Juha Kujala, General Counsel, is
deputizing for him.                                                             

MAJOR EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE                                       

On April 3, 2007, Done Solutions Corporation published a stock exchange release 
dealing with decisions made by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the same     
date. The AGM's decision on alterations of the Articles of Association and other
decisions requiring registration in the Trade Register were registered on April 
16, 2007.                                                                       

OTHER EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE                                       

On April 3, 2007, the Company paid EUR 0.8 million in subordinated loans and EUR
0.13 million in interest to Conventum Venture Finance Ltd (EUR 0.55 million and 
EUR 0.09 million) and Jyri Merivirta (EUR 0.25 million and EUR 0.04 million),   
the latter belonging to the Company's related parties. Following these paybacks,
consolidated interest-bearing liabilities came to EUR 0.2 million.              

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT                                                             

Product development costs for the period came to EUR 0.04 million (EUR 0.05     
million) and were expensed as incurred.                                         

HUMAN RESOURCES                                                                 

During the period, the number of employees averaged 133 (130), two of whom      
worked abroad (2). Personnel by segment was as follows:                         

                                  Q1/2007   Q1/2006		                           
Services                             66        65	   	                          
Systems                              58        56	                              
Health Care                           6         6                               
Parent company                        3         3                               
Total                               133       130	                              

MANAGEMENT AND AUDITORS                                                         

From April 3, 2007, Done Solutions Corporation's Board of Directors is made up  
of the following members: Jyri Merivirta (Chairman), Matti Nevalainen and Pekka 

Deloitte & Touche Oy, Authorized Public Accountants, acts as the company's      
auditor, with Eero Lumme, Authorized Public Accountant, acting as the chief     

INSIDER ISSUES AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE									                                
Done Solutions Corporation complies with the Helsinki Stock Exchange's          
Guidelines for Insiders effective since January 1, 2006 and, to the applicable  
extent, the Recommendation on the Corporate Governance for Listed Companies     
effective since July 1, 2004. The Company's Corporate Governance Statement is   
available in the Investors section on the Company's website.                    

SHARE CAPITAL AND SHARES                                                        

On March 31, 2007, Done Solutions Corporation's share capital amounted to EUR   
5,314,918.72 and the number of shares totaled 66,436,484.                       

On March 31, 2007, the Board of Directors had no valid, unexercised share issue 
authorizations, nor had the Company treasury shares. By April 27, 2007, the     
Board had not exercised valid authorizations to issue 33,000,000 shares and     
dispose of 6,643,648 treasury shares, resolved by the AGM of April 3, 2007.     
Based on the AGM's authorization issued on April 3, 2007, the Board of Directors
may decide to buy back 6,643,648 own shares. The company had no treasury shares 
on April 27, 2007, nor has it valid stock option schemes in place.              

The reported share turnover of Done Solutions Corporation between January 1 and 
March 31, 2007 was EUR 5.5 million, representing 18.0 million shares and 27.1   
percent of the total number of company shares. The share registered a high of   
EUR 0.33 and a low of EUR 0.28. The share price averaged EUR 0.31 and closed at 
EUR 0.30 on March 31, 2007. The company's market capitalization on March 31,    
2007 totaled EUR 19.9 million.                                                  


The reporting period saw one flagging notification related to shareholdings.    
Conventum Venture Finance Oy's shareholding in Done Solutions Corporation       
decreased to less than one twentienth (1/20) of company shares and voting       
rights, as a result of the share disposal of January 12, 2007.                  

The company's largest shareholders are listed on Done's website at      (Investors / Financial Information / Largest              

MANAGEMENT SHAREHOLDINGS                                                        

On March 31, 2007, the Board of Directors and the President and CEO held 22.8   
percent of the company's shares, totaling 15,137,500 shares. Moreover, on the   
same date, Gateway Finland Oy held 17.3 percent of company shares, totaling     
11,500,000 shares. Matti Nevalainen, a Board member, holds 50 per cent of       
Gateway Finland Oy shares.                                                      

MAJOR BUSINESS RISKS                                                            

The stock exchange release of February 28, 2007 on the financial statements for 
2006 provides information on major business risks exposed by the company. The   
first quarter did not see any changes in the company's major business risks.    


According to forecasts, economic development will remain favorable during 2007. 
Demand for the Services segment's multilingual documentation services is        
expected to remain steady and segment net sales are anticipated to show moderate
growth. Since demand for the Systems segment's solutions is expected to remain  
firm, it is predicted that the segment will post higher net sales than in 2006. 
The Health Care segment is expected to increase its net sales due to increased  
focus on sales and expanding markets. The net sales growth rate depends on how  
quickly the sales license application process will proceed and new markets open.
Consolidated net sales are expected to be higher than in 2006. With no major    
cost pressures within the segments, costs are anticipated to show moderate      
growth. Consolidated operating profit is expected to be higher than in 2006.    

Done Solutions Corporation                                                      
Board of Directors                                                              

For further information, please contact:                                        

Juha Kujala, acting CEO, gsm +358(0)40 7349017,                                                                           

Mika Söyring, CFO, gsm +358(0)40 7770033,                                                                                                                            

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Financial Supervision Authority                                                 
Major media                                                                     

With its shares having been quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange since 2001,   
Done Solutions is organized into three business areas: Services (Done           
Information) provides multilingual documentation and  visualization services;   
Systems (Done Logistics) provides comprehensive intralogistics systems, based on
automated materials-handling and supporting information systems; and Health Care
(Tiolat) provides iCare-tonometers for eye specialists and opticians.           

GROUP KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS (MEUR)     Q1/2007    Q1/2006       2006           
Net sales                                  5.2        3.8        14.3           

Operating profit                           0.9        0.4         1.5           
Operating margin, %                       16.6       10.9        10.3           
Pre-tax profit                             0.9        0.5         1.5           
Pre-tax profit, %                         16.6       13.2        10.5           

Net profit                                 0.6        0.4         3.5           
Net profit, %                             12.2       11.0        24.2           

Gross capital expenditure                  0.0        0.0         5.4           
Gross capital expenditure, % of net sales  0.7        0.9        37.7           

R&D costs                                  0.0        0.1         0.3           
R&D costs, %                               0.8        1.4         2.0           

Gearing, %                               -12.2      -37.5        -1.8           
Equity ratio, %                           66.3       49.4        63.7           

Return on investment (ROI), %             27.7       29.9        17.1           
Return on equity (ROE), %                 22.5       34.7        43.3           

Earnings per share, cont. operations EUR   0.010      0.007       0.056         
Earnings per share, discont.operations EUR 0.000      0.000       0.000         
Equity per share, EUR                      0.175      0.075       0.165         

Average no. of employees                   133        130         133           

Cash flow from operating activities        1.2        0.4         0.6           
Cash flow from investing activities       -0.0       -0.0        -2.1           
Net cash used in financing activities     -1.1        0.1         0.2           
Total cash flow                            0.1        0.5         1.3           

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (MEUR)    Q1/2007    Q1/2006       2006           
NET SALES                                  5.2        3.8        14.3           
Other operating income                     0.0        0.0         0.1           
Materials and services                    -2.0       -1.1        -4.3           
Employee benefits                         -1.6       -1.6        -6.0	          
Depreciation/amortization                 -0.2       -0.1        -0.4           
Other operating expenses                  -0.6       -0.6        -2.2           
OPERATING PROFIT                           0.9        0.4         1.5           
Share of associates' results               0.0        0.0         0.1           
Financial expenses (net)                  -0.0        0.0        -0.0           
PRE-TAX PROFIT                             0.9        0.5         1.5           
Income tax expense                        -0.2       -0.0         2.0           
Minority interest                          0.0       -0.0         0.0           
NET PROFIT, continuing operations          0.6        0.4         3.5           
Net profit, discontinued operations        0.0        0.0         0.0           
NET PROFIT                                 0.6        0.4         3.5           

Earnings per share, basic EUR              0.010      0.007       0.056         
Earnings per share, diluted EUR            0.010      0.007       0.056         

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
(MEUR)                            March 31,‘07 March 31,‘06 Dec. 31,‘06         


NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
Property, plant and equipment              0.6        0.5         0.6           
Goodwill                                   3.1        1.2         3.1           
Intangible assets                          4.8        1.7         4.9           
Shares in associates                       0.4        0.4         0.4           
Available-for-sale assets                  0.0        0.0         0.0           
Receivables                                0.4        0.4         0.4           
Deferred tax assets                        2.1        0.0         2.2           
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                  11.3        4.3        11.5           

CURRENT ASSETS                                                                  
Inventories                                0.2        0.1         0.2           
Trade and other receivables                3.6        2.7         3.1           
Cash and cash equivalents                  2.5        4.2         2.4           
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                       6.4        7.1         5.7           

TOTAL ASSETS                              17.7       11.3        17.2           

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                            

SHAREHOLDERS'S EQUITY                                                           
Share capital                              5.3        4.8         5.3           
Share premium                              2.4        1.0         2.4           
Fair value reserve                         0.3        0.3         0.3           
Revaluation reserve                        1.5        0.0         1.5           
Retained earnings/loss                     2.0       -1.7         1.4           
TOTAL EQUITY, attributable to holders                                           
of parent company equity                  11.6        4.5        11.0           
MINORITY INTEREST                          0.0        1.1         0.0           
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                11.6        5.6        11.0           

LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                                                           
Deferred tax liabilities                   1.4         0.4         1.3          
Provisions                                 0.6         0.8         0.5          
Interest-bearing liabilities               1.1         1.1         1.2          
Other payables                             0.0         0.0         0.0          
TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                3.1         2.3         3.1          

SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES                                                          
Trade and other payables                   2.9         2.4         2.1          
Provisions                                 0.0         0.0         0.1          
Interest-bearing liabilities               0.0         1.1         1.0          
TOTAL SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES               3.0         3.5         3.1          

TOTAL LIABILITIES                          6.1         5.8         6.3          

TOTAL LIABILITIES & SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY  17.7        11.3        17.2          


                      Share   Share   Other   Retained Minority  Total          
                     capital premium reserves earnings interest equity          
Balance Jan. 1, 2006    4.8     1.0     0.3     -2.0       1.0     5.0          
Share subscriptions                                                             
based on stock options  0.0     0.1     0.0      0.0       0.0     0.1          
Net profit              0.0     0.0     0.0      0.4       0.0     0.4          
Balance March 31, 2006  4.8     1.0     0.3     -1.7       1.1     5.6          
Paid dividends to                                                               
minority shareholders   0.0     0.0     0.0     -0.0       0.0    -0.0          
Share subscriptions                                                             
based on stock options  0.1     0.1     0.0      0.0       0.0     0.2          
Private placement       0.5     1.4     1.5      0.0       0.0     3.5          
Net profit              0.0     0.0     0.0      3.5       0.0     3.5          
Balance Dec. 31, 2006   5.3     2.4     1.8      1.4       0.0    11.0          
Net profit              0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6       0.0     0.6          
Balance March 31, 2007  5.3     2.4     1.8      2.0       0.0    11.6          

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
(MEUR)                            March 31,‘07 March 31,‘06 Dec. 31,‘06         
Net profit                                0.6         0.4       3.5             
Adjustments to net profit                 0.3         0.2      -1.6             
Change in working capital                 0.3        -0.2      -1.3             
Interest paid                            -0.0        -0.0      -0.1             
Interest received                         0.0         0.0       0.2             
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES       1.2         0.4       0.6             

Acquisition of subsidiary                -0.0         0.0      -2.2             
Disposal of operations                    0.0         0.0       0.0             
Purchase of PPE and intangible assets    -0.0        -0.0      -0.1             
Payments of other investments             0.0         0.0       0.1             
NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES    -0.0        -0.0      -2.1             

Rights issue                              0.0         0.1       0.2             
Repayments of long-term borrowings       -1.1         0.0       0.0             
Finance lease principal payments         -0.0        -0.0      -0.0             
NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES    -1.1         0.1       0.2             

Net change in cash and equivalents        0.1         0.5      -1.3             
Cash and equivalents, period-start        2.4         3.7       3.7             
Cash and equivalents, period-end          2.5         4.2       2.4             

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
(MEUR)         		         March 31,‘07 March 31,‘06 Dec. 31,‘06                 

Mortgages given                           0.3         0.3       0.3             
Pledges given                             2.7         2.9       2.7             
Securities given                          1.5         1.0       1.3             

Finance lease liabilities                 0.1         0.1       0.1             
Operating lease liabilities               0.2         0.2       0.3             

NET SALES AND OPERATING PROFIT BY QUARTERS (MEUR)                               

MEUR               Q1/2007  Q4/2006  Q3/2006  Q2/2006  Q1/2006  Q4/2005         
Net sales            5,2      4,1      2,9      3,6      3,8      3,1           
Operating profit     0,9      0,5      0,3      0,3      0,4      0,3           
Operating profit, % 16,6     12,1      9,4      8,6     10,9      9,4           

The figures (inc. comparatives) in this report are in compliance with IFRS. The 
data in this report are based on unaudited figures.