Final agreement with OÜ Grove Invest

Yesterday, on May 9, 2007, AS Eesti Ehitus and OÜ Grove Invest entered into an  
agreement for the settlement of issues arisen in connection with the            
construction of so-called Luther residential block.                             

In the agreement OÜ Grove Invest and AS Eesti Ehitus confirm that they have no  
complaints or claims against each other arising from or relating to the         
agreement for the construction of Luther block or the performance or termination
of such agreement. The agreement also provides for the obligation of AS Eesti   
Ehitus to refund OÜ Grove Invest the overpaid amount of the contractual price in
the total amount of EEK 91,097,657 (EUR 5,822,201), of which EEK 40,278,000 (EUR
2,574,233) has already been paid by AS Eesti Ehitus by the time of entry into   
the agreement.                                                                  

AS Eesti Ehitus cancelled the construction agreement regarding Luther block on  
February 22, 2007. After that the parties performed the inventory of the object 
and fixed the works that had been factually performed. AS Eesti Ehitus delivered
the object to the developer on March 28, 2007 after which the parties agreed on 
the amount of costs factually incurred in performing the agreement.  In         
addition, AS Eesti Ehitus transferred to OÜ Grove Invest all material           
subcontracts, on the basis of which OÜ Grove Invest has been able to continue   
the performance of suspended works. All other subcontracts were terminated by AS
Eesti Ehitus upon the agreement with subcontractors.                            

Therefore, by now the issues relating to cancellation of construction agreement 
for the Luther block have been settled in the close cooperation of the parties, 
without recourse to courts. AS Eesti Ehitus did not incur loss or make profit in
connection with the project.                                                    

Jaano Vink                                                                      
AS Eesti Ehitus                                                                 
Tel: (+372) 6400 450 