FIM Group Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE May 11, 2007


Key figures for January-March 2007 (2006)

Net sales: EUR 23.2 million (21.2)
Growth in net sales: 9% (81%)
Operating profit before non-recurring stock option expenses: EUR 5.7 million
Operating profit margin before non-recurring stock option expenses: 25% (29%)
Operating profit: EUR 3.5 million (6.2)
Operating profit margin: 15% (29%)
Net profit: EUR 3.4 million (3.2)
Earnings per share: EUR 0.08 (0.11)


Surging share prices dipped temporarily in February when investors cashed in
their profits, prompted by uncertainty about whether the long bullish streak
would hold and underlying concerns about the development of the US economy. The
global equity index rose by 1.4 percent in euro terms in Q1, and the equities
index for the world's emerging countries increased by 0.6 percent. Price trend
on the OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange was considerably stronger. The OMX Helsinki
Cap Index had risen by 8.7 percent by the end of Q1.

Also, the European economy saw robust development in Q1. The slight dip in the
stock markets temporarily slowed the growth of long interest rates. However,
when the situation subsided, European rates headed upward again. The
improvement in the economic outlook of the euro zone has supported the exchange
rate of the euro against the USD.

Trade volume on the OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange continued to soar. In Q1, trade
volume grew by 27 percent compared with the corresponding period of 2006 and
amounted to about EUR 97 billion (77). Average intra-day volume grew to over
EUR 1.5 billion.

In the first months of the year, the structured products markets were generally
very brisk and strong growth was seen.

(comparison figures are for January-March 2006)

FIM Group's total income in January-March grew by 9 percent to EUR 23.2 million
(EUR 21.2 million in 2006).

FIM has changed its financial reporting from the beginning of 2007. Segment
reporting covers the business areas FIM Asset Management and FIM Brokerage. FIM
Investment Banking is reported as part of the group Others. The sales of
structured products were moved from investment banking division to FIM Asset
Management in the beginning of the year. Comparison figures have been adjusted
to the new reporting structure.

FIM Asset Management's total income in January-March was EUR 15.1 million
(14.5). FIM Asset Management's first quarter in 2006 was very strong. During
the first months of 2007 the growth decelerated somewhat as the markets turned
their focus into lower risk products.

FIM Brokerage's total income was EUR 8.6 million (7.1). The fee and commission
income of FIM Brokerage grew in the positive market environment compared with
the corresponding period last year.

The Group's January-March operating profit from continuous operations was EUR
5.7 million (6.2) and the operating profit margin 25 (29) per cent. FIM Asset
Management's operating profit from continuous operations EUR 4.3 million was
clearly less than in the very strong Q1 of 2006 (5.5). Operating profit was
burdened by investments in growth and launching of the Russian operations. FIM
Brokerage's operating profit from continuous operations increased in positive
market environment to EUR 1.7 million (1.4).

Due to the Glitnir transaction, the option costs for FIM's both option series
that were originally scheduled for 4 years have now been booked in the first
quarter of 2007. Operating profit after the booking for the non-recurring
option costs was EUR 3.5 million and the operating profit margin 15 per cent.
The non-recurring option costs booking in the result totaled EUR 2.2 million.
The booking of the option costs does not affect the Group's shareholders'

The Group's Q1 expenses, excluding fee and interest expenses, came to EUR 16.3
million (12.5). Expenses increased by 31 percent compared with the same period
of 2006. The greatest single factor behind the growth in expenses was the
effect of the Glitnir acquisition - announced in February - on the recognition
of stock option expenses.

The Group's taxes in the January-March period amounted to EUR 0.1 million
(2.0). Profit in January-March was EUR 3.4 million (3.2).

Earnings per share for the review period were EUR 0.08 (0.11).


The Group's total assets strengthened significantly compared with the
corresponding period of 2006, largely thanks to the share issue carried out in
April 2006. Total assets as of March 31, 2007 stood at EUR 150.5 million
(72.9). Total assets as of December 31, 2006 stood at EUR 142.4 million.

The Group's shareholders' equity at the end of the fiscal period was EUR 99.9
million (29.8), or EUR 2.34 per share (0.82). The acquisition of minority
interests that was carried out through exchanges of shares during 2006 was made
at fair values, and thereby brought a significant increase in the share premium
reserve. For this reason, goodwill of EUR 41.2 million was recorded in the
consolidated balance sheet. The annualized return on equity was 13.6 percent

The Group's equity ratio was 66.4 percent (40.8) and the Tier 1 ratio was 103.6
percent (62.8).

FIM's derivatives exposure at the end of the reporting period consisted mainly
of equity derivatives held for trading. The value of the underlying assets of
equity derivatives was EUR 37.1 million and they had a fair value of EUR -0.8
million. In addition, receivables denominated in foreign currency were hedged
with forward exchange contracts, the underlying assets of which had a value of
EUR 14.8 million, their fair value being EUR 0.3 million.


The Group's investments in tangible and intangible assets during the review
period came to EUR 0.8 million (1.1).


The number of employees has grown greatly in recent years. In January-March
2007, the Group had an average payroll of 291 employees (235). The number of
employees at the end of March was 299 (244).

At the end of the review period, the personnel were divided by business area as
follows: FIM Asset Management, 141 persons, FIM Brokerage, 101 persons. The
number of employees working in Finland was 262, with 33 employees in Russia and
3 in Sweden. Personnel figures are stated converted to full-time staff.


FIM Group Corporation's Board of Directors appointed Mr. Timo T. Laitinen,
M.Sc. (Eng.), as the CFO of the FIM Group as of February 15, 2007. Until that
date, the CFO was Niklas Geust, M.Sc. (Eng.), who went on his planned
sabbatical on March 1, 2007.


In February 2007, Glitnir banki hf. of Iceland announced its intention to
acquire the shares and stock options issued by FIM by launching a public tender
offer. In accordance with the agreement made by Glitnir and FIM Group
Corporation's 11 largest shareholders, Glitnir banki hf. acquired 68.1 percent
of the shares in FIM Group Corporation by means of transactions consummated on
March 16, 2007. The public tender offer period commenced on April 25, 2007


The Glitnir transaction will open up new growth opportunities for FIM. Being
part of Glitnir enables FIM to accelerate some of its previously started growth
initiatives as well as seek for new growth both in Finland and abroad.

FIM Asset Management will continue to expand its product offering in Finland as
well as to build up asset management operations in Russia. New growth
opportunities after Glitnir transaction comprise of selling FIM's fund products
to other Glitnir countries and increasing investments in international sales of
spearhead FIM funds.

FIM Brokerage will continue to build up the Russian brokerage operations based
on a broader Nordic and international client base. Given that FIM-Glitnir is
the third largest broker in the Nordic countries, FIM Brokerage will
participate in developing a Glitnir-wide business model in the future.

FIM Investment Banking will benefit from becoming part of Glitnir's Nordic

Since Glitnir is active and has capabilities in several business lines which
FIM has not traditionally been active in, several efforts have been launched to
assess whether all or some of these Glitnir business lines should be expanded
to Finland and potentially to Russia.


FIM Group Corporation's Annual General Meeting, held on March 15, 2007, adopted
the 2006 financial statements and discharged the members of the Board of
Directors and the President and CEO from liability. The Annual General Meeting
decided on the payment of dividends, the composition of the Board of Directors
and the election of the auditor.

It was resolved that a dividend of EUR 0.14 per share would be paid as proposed
by the Board of Directors, to a total of EUR 5.97 million. The dividend was
paid out on March 27, 2007.

The following persons were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors:
Niklas Geust, Vesa Honkanen, Antti Kivimaa, Risto Perttunen and Jukka Ylitalo.
However, the term of service of these members of the Board of Directors ended
when Glitnir banki hf. acquired 68.11 percent of FIM Group Corporation's shares
and voting rights. Due to this change of ownership, the Annual General Meeting
elected Bjarni Ármannsson, Frank Ove Reite and Sverrir Örn Thorvaldsson to the
Board of Directors as representatives of Glitnir banki hf. as well as re-
elected Niklas Geust and Vesa Honkanen. Their term of service started from the
transfer of ownership on March 21, 2007. At its organization meeting on March
22, 2007, the Board of Directors elected Frank Ove Reite as the Chairman.

After the change in the ownership, the majority of the members of the company's
Board of Directors do not meet the criteria of independence as set forth in the
Corporate Governance recommendation of the Helsinki Stock Exchange, the Central
Chamber of Commerce of Finland and the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK.

The Authorized Public Accountants Kim Karhu and Kaija Leppinen were re-elected
as the company's auditors. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorized Public
Accountants, was elected as the deputy auditor, with Authorized Public
Accountant Jarmo Álen as chief auditor.


At its meeting of January 12, 2007, the Board of Directors of FIM Group
Corporation decided to begin preparing for the launch of retail banking
operations as part of the Group's expansion of its service offerings. FIM
submitted a license application for banking operations to the Finnish Financial
Supervision Authority during the review period.


On February 5, 2007, FIM Group Corporation received an announcement in which
Seppo Sairanen, Markku Kaloniemi, Niklas Geust, Pekka Mölsä, Karri Toivonen,
Jussi Seppälä, Jukka Ylitalo, Antti Pohjola, Jan Forsbom, Jussi Hyöty and Janne
Holtari stated that they had signed a Commitment Letter to sell all the FIM
Group Corporation shares and the securities entitling to them in their
ownership to Glitnir banki hf. The sale of shares was carried out on March 16,
2007, after which said persons no longer own FIM Group Corporation shares. This
transaction increased Glitnir banki hf.'s holding of FIM Group Corporation's
share capital and voting rights to over 2/3.

On February 26, 2007, the company was informed that Credit Suisse Securities
(Europe) Limited's holding of voting rights in FIM Group Corporation had
exceeded one-twentieth (1/20) on February 6, 2007, and that Credit Suisse
Securities (Europe) Limited's holding corresponds to 3.57 percent of the share
capital and 5.21 percent of the voting rights of FIM Group Corporation.

On March 7, 2007, the company was informed that Credit Suisse Securities
(Europe) Limited's holding of the share capital of FIM Group Corporation had
exceeded one-twentieth (1/20) on March 2, 2007, and that Credit Suisse
Securities (Europe) Limited's holding corresponds to 5.37 percent of the share
capital and 7.85 percent of the voting rights of FIM Group Corporation.


FIM Group Corporation's share capital as of March 31, 2007, was EUR 2,813,505.
The company's issued shares consist of one share class that is divided into a
total of 42,683,690 shares.

The trade volume of the FIM Group Corporation share on the OMX Helsinki Stock
Exchange in the January-March 2007 period was EUR 319.0 million and 39.9
million shares. Trade volume includes the block trade carried out on March 16,
2007, in which 29,071,813 shares were transferred to Glitnir banki hf. The
share registered a high of EUR 8.30 in February and a low of EUR 5.86 in
January. The volume-weighted average share price was EUR 7.99. At the end of
the reporting period on March 31, 2007, the share price was EUR 8.15 and the
company had a market capitalization of EUR 347.9 million. The company had in
its possession a total of 36,000 treasury shares as of March 31, 2007, and they
had a market value of EUR 0.3 million. The nominal value of the treasury shares
at the end of the reporting period was EUR 2373. The share of all shares and
votes was below 0.1 per cent.


Risk management is an essential part of internal control, and its aim is to
reduce the probability of unforeseeable losses or a threat to the reputation of
FIM. Risk management covers all material risks connected with FIM's operations,
such as operational risks, market risks, liquidity and financing risks, credit
risks and strategic risks.

The management of operational risks is part of the FIM Group's overall risk
management, and it generally involves minimizing risks. In addition to
preventive work that is carried on to avert operational risks, the FIM Group
seeks to maintain sufficient insurance coverage for the purpose of
compensating, say, loss or damage resulting from malfeasance, intrusion into
information systems, or other criminal actions.  Continuity plans have been put
in place to cope with major disturbances to operations.

Limits and other operational instructions have been set for the taking of
market risks, bearing in mind the sufficiency of equity and capital adequacy
planning within the FIM Group.

To support liquidity management, FIM Securities Ltd has the possibility, in the
form of credit extended by customers (so-called cash account customers), to
improve its liquidity, and, additionally, the company has credit facilities
that have been agreed with banks and can be drawn down as the need arises. In
practice, despite the increase in trading, it has been possible to attend to
liquidity management mainly without having recourse to bank credit facilities.

Across FIM units, the contractual counterparties in accordance with the adopted
definition of credit risk are customers and other trading counterparties as
well as other partners in cooperation. In line with the lending policy approved
by the Board of Directors, FIM carries on only lending activities in which risk-
taking can be limited to a small amount and the risk is manageable. Lending is
primarily to private individuals.


Due to trades concerning the shares of FIM Group Corporation executed on March
16, 2007, Glitnir banki hf. is obligated to make a public tender offer for FIM
Group Corporation's shares and options. The tender offer is made for all shares
issued by FIM that are not owned by FIM or any company belonging to the FIM
group of companies.

On April 23, 2007, the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority approved the
tender offer document relating to the tender offer. The tender offer document
is available in Finnish at FIM Securities Ltd, Pohjoisesplanadi 33 A, 00100
Helsinki, on April 25, 2007 or from the Internet address In addition to this the offer document is available
at OMX Way, Fabianinkatu 14, 00130 Helsinki.

The tender offer will be valid from April 25, 2007 at 10.00 am (Finnish time)
until May 16, 2007 at 4.30 pm (Finnish time), during which period FIM's
shareholders and holders of option rights may accept the tender offer unless
the offer period is extended or the extended period discontinued as set forth
in the offer terms.

The offeror reserves the right to extend the offer period. The offer period may
be no longer than 10 weeks unless applicable legislation provides otherwise.
The offeror will release information about the extension of the offer period no
later than on the first banking day following the expiration of the offer


FIM Asset Management's assets under management on April 30, 2007, totalled
about EUR 3 179 million, an increase of 2 percent since April 30, 2006.

FIM Brokerage's market share of euro-denominated trade volume on the OMX
Helsinki Stock Exchange was 3.8 percent in January-April. Based on the number
of trades, the market share was 3.4 percent.

FIM's and Glitnir's brokerage operations' combined market share in April of
euro-denominated trade volume on OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange was 5.7 per and of
number of trades 6.1 per cent.

The trend in FIM's operations during the first months of 2007 has proceeded as
expected and the growth in full-year net sales is expected to reach the long-
term growth target of 20 percent. Full-year operating profit is estimated to
exceed that reported for 2006.

Cyclical sensitivity is typical of investment service operations and FIM's
business operations are also characterized by a marked dependence on the trend
in the global securities markets. In the short term, performance fees in
discretionary asset management are the type of income that is the most
sensitive of all to both positive and negative moves in the market.


FIM Asset Management

The sales of structured products were moved from investment banking division to
FIM Asset Management in the beginning of the year. Comparison figures have been
adjusted to the new reporting structure.

Key figures (million euros except for personnel and client figures)

                        1-3/07    1-3/06   Change  1-12/06
Total income              15.1      14.5      4 %     57.5
Operating profit           3.3       5.5    -40 %     19.9
Operating margin, %       22 %      38 %              35 %
Personnel, average         138       103     34 %      120
Assets under             3 076     3 049      1 %    2 966
management (end of
Assets under             1 948     1 981     -2 %    1 865
management, mutual
funds (end of
Assets under             1 261     1 478    -15 %    1 297
management, equity
funds (end of
Market share,            3.0 %     3.9 %             3.1 %
mutual funds (end
of period)
Market share,            5.7 %     7.8 %             6.0 %
equity funds (end
of period)
Net subscription,           24       100               -70
mutual funds
Net subscription,          -81        36              -170
equity funds
Number of unit          53 868    53 022    1.6 %   55 113
holders, mutual
funds (end of
Number of clients        2 446      2390    2.3 %    2 444
in discretionary
asset management
and discretionary
fund management
(end of period)

Q1 2007 compared with Q1 2006

FIM Asset Management's total income in the first quarter was EUR 15.1 million
(14.5). The growth in total income compared to very strong Q1 2006 was 4

Operating profit from the continuous operations amounted to EUR 4.3 million
(5.5) in January-March. The operating profit was burdened by strong investments
into growth and launching of the Russian operations. Due to this, the operating
profit was clearly less than in very strong Q1 in 2006. Operating profit after
non-recurring stock option expenses was EUR 3.3 million. FIM Asset Management's
average payroll 138 grew by 34 percent on the same period of last year (103).
At the end of the reporting period the payroll was 141.

The amount of assets under management increased again to slightly over EUR 3
billion at the end of the review period. They were on a par with Q1 2006 but
had risen by EUR 110 million since the end of 2006. The amount of assets under
management is recovering from the dip that was caused by the Q2 market
correction in 2006. Net subscriptions to mutual funds amounted to EUR 24
million in the past quarter (100).

Of FIM's 12 Morningstar-rated balanced and equity funds, 5 funds had five stars
at the end of the year. Within discretionary asset management and fund
management, successful allocation decisions generally led to a return that
exceeded the global equity markets.

Preparations for FIM's asset management and investment banking operations in
Russia are progressing in line with plans. At the beginning of 2007, the FSFR,
Russia's financial markets regulatory authority, approved the statutes of FIM's
first local funds. Operations of the funds FIM Russian Equities, FIM Russian
Portfolio and FIM Russian Bonds are expected to begin during the second quarter
of 2007. The funds are marketed primarily in Russia but are also open to
international customers.

Sales of structured products were up 46 percent on the corresponding period of
the previous year, amounting to EUR 67 million in Q1.

Collaboration with Glitir's asset management services has been started during
the past quarter. Toward the end of the year, this collaboration is expected to
open new sales opportunities to FIM's products on the international markets as
well as synergies in offering asset management services. As part of this
development effort, the mutual fund business is presently preparing the
registration of mutual funds in Luxembourg.

FIM Brokerage

Key figures (EUR million except for personnel)
                         1-3/07    1-3/06   Change  1-12/06
Total income                8.6       7.1     21 %     27.7
Operating profit            1.0       1.4    -28 %      2.4
Operating margin, %        12 %      20 %               9 %
Personnel, average          100        89     12 %       96
Market share,             4.0 %     3.0 %             3.0 %
turnover in euros
(OMX Helsinki)
Market share, number      3.5 %     3.4 %             3.4 %
of transactions (OMX

Q1 2007 compared with Q1 2006

FIM Brokerage's total income in January-March came to EUR 8.6 million (7.1).
Total income was up 21 percent on the corresponding period of the previous
year. The market for equity sales has remained good and the operations of FIM
Brokerage saw growth in all customer segments.

FIM Brokerage's operating profit from continuous operations for the January-
March period was EUR 1.7 million (1.4). A good market situation contributed to
the positive trend in operating profit. On the other hand, operating profit is
still burdened by the development of operations in Russia. Operating profit
after non-recurring stock option expenses was EUR 1.0 million. FIM Brokerage's
average payroll 100 grew by 12 percent on the same period of last year (89). At
the end of the reporting period the payroll was 101.

FIM's market share of turnover in euros on the OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange was
4.0 percent, while market share in terms of number of transactions was 3.5
percent. In terms of FIM's and Glitnir's combined turnover in euros, their
securities brokerage units were the second largest broker on the OMX Helsinki
Stock Exchange in Q1. Total market share was 6.6 percent. The combined market
share of the two companies on the OMX Nordic List was 6.0 percent, making them
the second-largest broker on that list as well.


Of FIM's business areas FIM Investment Banking focuses on advisory services in
equity capital market transactions and in mergers and acquisitions. As from the
beginning of 2007, the business area will no longer be reported on separately.
Instead, it is included in the Others group, which primarily comprises the
administration of the parent company. In the tables annexed to the Interim
Report, reporting has been adjusted to correspond to current practices as from
Q1 2006.

In the January-March period, the Others group had net sales of EUR 12.8 million
(6.0) and operating profit of EUR 10.2 million (3.8). Operating profit
increased due to dividend payment to the parent company during the reporting
period. The dividends totaled about EUR 11 million. The average payroll in
January-March was 54 (44) and at the end of the period 58.

This report has been prepared in accordance with IFRS recognition and
measurement principles and the same accounting policies as were applied in the
financial statements for 2006, with the exception of performance fees, which
are not periodized in the Group's first and third quarters. In accordance with
the Group's accounting policies, performance fees are recognized as income semi-
annually on the last day of June and December at the end of the report and
charging period under each agreement, at which time the amount of income can be
determined reliably.

This report has not been prepared in compliance with all the requirements of
IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

The Group has adopted the following changes in standards as of January 1, 2007:

IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. The standard will have an effect
mainly on the notes to the financial statements.

IAS 1 (Amendment) Capital Disclosures. The amendment of the standard does not
have an effect on this interim report.

This interim report is unaudited.

Helsinki, May 11, 2007

FIM Group Corporation

Board of Directors


FIM GROUP INCOME                                             
                               1.1. -      1.1. -       1.1.-
                            31.3.2007   31.3.2006  31.12.2006
Thousand euros                                               
Fee and commission income      22 142      19 734      77 322
Net gains (losses) from           332         982       2 099
securities trading
Dividend income                     0           0           0
Interest income                   702         454       2 264
Gains less losses from            -31          36         147
financial assets
Other operating income             10          31         214
TOTAL INCOME FROM              23 155      21 237      82 046
Fee and commission             -3 096      -2 153      -9 514
Interest expenses                -224        -353        -910
General administrative                                       
Employee benefits                                            
Wages and salaries             -6 243      -5 542     -22 970
Social security costs                                        
Pension costs                  -1 020        -906      -3 413
Other personnel costs            -414        -325      -1 555
Share-based payments           -2 396         -52         -52
Other administrative           -4 250      -3 637     -15 775
Depreciation,                    -734        -549      -2 508
amortization and
impairment charges
Other operating expenses       -1 262      -1 489      -6 234
Operating profit                3 515       6 230      19 114
PROFIT BEFORE TAX               3 515       6 230      19 114
Income taxes                     -113      -1 951      -5 766
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD           3 402       4 279      13 348
Equity holders of the           3 402       3 223      11 607
Minority interest*                  0       1 055       1 741
Earnings per share                                           
attributable to equity
holders of the company
Basic and diluted                0.08        0.11        0.32
earnings per share, EUR
Weighted average number        42 648      29 439      36 763
of shares during the
period, thousands
* after August 15, 2006                                      
no minority interests
 FIM Group Corporation Consolidated          31.3.2007   31.3.2006  31.12.2006
 Balance Sheet (IFRS)
 Thousand euros                                                               
 Cash and cash equivalents                      32 359      16 332      24 089
 Due from customers                              8 074       8 338       5 254
 Repayable on demand                                 0           0       5 904
 Shares and participations                                                    
 Securities trading                             29 375      18 758      34 354
 Available-for-sale investments                    991       1 697       1 084
 Derivative financial instruments                  915       2 789       1 473
 Investments in associates                           0           0           0
 Intangible assets                                                            
 Goodwill                                       41 163          57      41 163
 Other intangible assets                         3 159       2 973       3 186
 Tangible assets                                                              
 Shares in property investment companies             0          17           0
 Other tangible assets                           4 038       3 366       3 914
 Other assets                                   15 779       9 578       9 151
 Accrued income and prepayments                 12 784       9 036      12 622
 Deferred tax receivables                        1 888           0         189
 TOTAL ASSETS                                  150 526      72 941     142 384
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                       
 Equity attributable to equity holders of                                     
 the Company
 Share capital                                   2 814       2 000       2 814
 Share premium                                  65 493         645      65 493
 Treasury shares                                   -35        -811         -35
 Translation difference                             -5          63           3
 Fair value reserve                                 10          67           8
 Other reserves                                      0       2 482           0
 Retained earnings                              28 216      17 101      20 177
 Profit for the period                           3 402       3 223      11 607
                                                99 894      24 771     100 066
 Minority interest                                   0       4 993           0
 Total equity                                   99 894      29 764     100 066
 Due to banks and financial institutions             0         312           0
 Due to customers                                                             
 Repayable on demand                             2 603       4 129       2 593
 Derivative financial instruments and            4 976       6 598      11 414
 other trading liabilities
 Other liabilities                              34 383      20 073      17 264
 Accrued expenses and deferred income            8 669      12 010      11 048
 Deferred tax liabilities                            0          55           0
 Total liabilities                              50 632      43 178      42 319
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                  150 526      72 941     142 384
 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF                                          
                        Share      Share      Other      Treasury   Translatio
                        capital    premium    reserves   shares     n
 1000 eur                                                                     
 Equity at December         2 000        645      2 482       -811          28
 31, 2005
 Net gains (losses)                                                           
 from available-for-
 sale investments
 Currency translation                                                       35
 Listing expenses,                                                            
 Profit for the                                                               
 Minority's share of                                                          
 the profit for the
 Total recognized                                                           35
 income for the
 Dividend for year                                                            
 Change in minority                                                           
 Increase in share                                                            
 Transfers in equity                                                          
 Purchase/sales of                                                            
 own shares
 Taxes on equity                                                              
 Equity at March 31,        2 000        645      2 482       -811          63
                        Fair       Retained   Total      Minority   Total
                        value      earnings   equity     interest   equity
                        reserve               attrib-
                                              utable to
                                              of the
 Equity at December            67     22 349     26 760      5 628      32 388
 31, 2005
 Net gains (losses)             1                     1          1           2
 from available-for-
 sale investments
 Currency translation                    -19         15                     15
 Listing expenses,                                                            
 Profit for the                        3 223      3 223      1 055       4 279
 Minority's share of                                                          
 the profit for the
 Total recognized               1      3 204      3 239      1 057       4 296
 income for the
 Dividend for year                    -5 228     -5 228     -1 505      -6 733
 Change in minority                                           -187        -187
 Increase in share                                                            
 Transfers in equity                                                          
 Purchase/sales of                                                            
 own shares
 Taxes on equity                                                              
 Oma pääoma 31.3.06            67     20 324     24 771      4 993      29 764
                        Share      Share      Other      Treasury   Translatio
                        capital    premium    reserves   shares     n
 1000 eur                                                                     
 Equity at December         2 814     65 493          0        -35           3
 31, 2006
 Net gains (losses)                                                           
 from available-for-
 sale investments
 Currency translation                                                       -7
 Listing expenses,                                                            
 Profit for the                                                               
 Minority's share of                                                          
 the profit for the
 Total recognized                                                           -7
 income for the
 Dividend for year                                                            
 Change in minority                                                           
 Increase in share                                                            
 Transfers in equity                                                          
 Equity at March 31,        2 814     65 493          0        -35          -5
                        Fair       Retained   Total      Minority   Total
                        value      earnings   equity     interest   equity
                        reserve               attrib-
                                              utable to
                                              of the
 Equity at December             8     31 784    100 066          0     100 066
 31, 2006
 Net gains (losses)             2                     2                      2
 from available-for-
 sale investments
 Currency translation                      7          0                      0
 Listing expenses,                                    0                      0
 Profit for the                        3 402      3 402                  3 402
 Minority's share of                                  0                      0
 the profit for the
 Total recognized               2      3 409      3 403          0       3 403
 income for the
 Dividend for year                    -5 971     -5 971                 -5 971
 Change in minority                    2 396      2 396                  2 396
 Increase in share                                    0                      0
 Transfers in equity                                  0                      0
 Equity at March 31,           10     31 618     99 894          0      99 894
 FIM GROUP CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED CASH                                      
 1000 eur                                                                     
                                                      1.1. -            1.1. -
                                                   31.3.2007         31.3.2006
 Net cash from operations (A)                         13 973             6 368
 Net cash used in investing activities (B)              -774            -1 085
 Net cash used in financing activities:                                       
 Dividends    paid   and    other    profit           -4 928            -7 032
 Net cash used in financing activities (C)            -4 928            -7 032
 Change in liquid assets (A+B+C)                       8 270            -1 748
 increase (+) / decrease (-)
 Cash and cash equivalents at the                     24 089            18 080
 beginning of the period
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of              32 359            16 332
 the period
 FIM GROUP QUARTERLY       1-3/07   10-12/06   7-9/06   4-6/06    1-3/06
 Thousand euros                                                         
 Fee and commission        22 142     23 039   13 607   20 942    19 734
 Net gains/losses             332        632      258      227       982
 from securities
 Dividend income                0          0        0        0         0
 Interest income              702        797      523      490       454
 Gains less losses            -31          0       -2      113        36
 from available-for-
 sale investments
 Other operating               10         19       99       65        31
 TOTAL INCOME FROM         23 155     24 486   14 485   21 838    21 237
 Fee and commission        -3 096     -3 289   -1 760   -2 312    -2 153
 Interest expenses           -224       -231     -188     -138      -353
 Employee benefits                                                      
 Wages and salaries        -6 243     -6 804   -4 331   -6 293    -5 542
 Social security                                                        
 Pension costs             -1 020       -864     -785     -857      -906
 Other personnel             -414       -433     -385     -413      -325
 Share-based payments      -2 396          0        0        0       -52
 Other administrative      -4 250     -4 530   -3 477   -4 131    -3 637
 Depreciation,               -734       -701     -650     -608      -549
 amortization and
 impairment charges
 Other operating           -1 262     -1 352   -1 916   -1 477    -1 489
 Operating profit           3 516      6 281      994    5 610     6 230
 PROFIT BEFORE TAX          3 516      6 281      994    5 610     6 230
 Income taxes                -113     -1 898     -286   -1 631    -1 951
 PROFIT FOR THE             3 402      4 383      708    3 979     4 279
 Equity holders of          3 402      4 383      376    3 624     3 223
 the Company
 Minority interest*             0          0      332      354     1 055
 Earnings per share                                                     
 attributable to
 equity holders of
 the company
 Basic and diluted           0,08       0,10     0,01     0,10      0,11
 earnings per share,
 Weighted average          42 648     42 648   39 489   35 299    29 439
 number of shares
 during the period,
 * after August 15,                                                     
 2006 no minority
 SEGMENT INFORMATION         1-3/07  10-12/06   7-9/06   4-6/06     1-3/06
 Thousand euros                                                           
 Asset Management                                                         
 Total income                15 113    17 511    9 495   15 981     14 480
 Operating profit             3 251     6 577    2 089    5 801      5 460
 Total income                 8 577     8 391    5 534    6 665      7 088
 Operating profit             1 039       432      280      270      1 438
 Total income                12 788     3 043    1 385    3 153      6 047
 Operating profit            10 222      -725   -1 395     -389      3 804
 Total Income               -13 324    -4 458   -1 930   -3 961     -6 378
 Operating profit           -10 997        -6       21      -71     -4 472
 Total Income                23 155    24 487   14 484   21 838     21 237
 Operating profit             3 515     6 278      995    5 611      6 230
 FEE AND COMMISSION                                                       
 Fee and commission           6 402     4 739    3 568    4 433      4 318
 income from brokerage
 Transaction-based fees       5 120     4 493    1 009    5 693      4 184
 from asset management
 Fixed management fees        8 548     7 652    7 578    8 020      8 840
 from mutual funds
 Performance based fees         202       118       41       93         75
 from mutual funds
 Fixed management fees          580       765      487      652        569
 from discretionary
 asset management
 Performance based fees          43     3 753      -11      588        199
 from discretionary
 asset management
 Advisory fees                  100        58       26       52        295
 Custody fees                   661       605      578      545        667
 Other fee and                   96       371      170      588        185
 commission income
 Fees from foreign              390       483      160      280        401
 exchange transaction
 executed on behalf of
 Total                       22 142    23 038   13 608   20 942     19 733
 KEY FIGURES DESCRIBING FINANCIAL                                             
                                                1-3/2007   1-3/2006  1-12/2006
 Return on equity, annualised %                   13.6 %     55.1 %     20.2 %
 Cost/income ratio                                  0.85       0.71       0.77
 Basic and diluted earnings per share, EUR          0.08       0.11       0.32
 Book value per share, EUR (end of period)          2.34       0.82       2.34
 Equity ratio, % (end of period)                  66.4 %     40.8 %     70.3 %
 Tier 1 ratio, % (end of period)                 103.6 %     62.8 %    115.7 %
 Return on equity, annualised %                                               
 operating profit/loss - taxes x 100                                          
 Total shareholders' equity (including                                        
 minority interest)
 (average from start and end of period)                                       
 Cost/income ratio                                                            
 Interest expenses + Fee and commission                                       
 expenses + administrative expenses +
 depreciation + rents + other operating
 Total income from investment services                                        
 Basic and diluted earnings per share, EUR                                    
 Profit for the period attributable to                                        
 equity holders of the Company
 Weighted average number of shares                                            
 Book value per share, EUR                                                    
 Total shareholders' equity (excluding                                        
 minority interest)
 Number of shares at period-end                                               
 Equity ratio, %                                                              
 Total shareholders' equity (including                                        
 minority interest) x 100
 Balance sheet total                                                          
 Tier 1 ratio, % =                                                            
 Core capital (including minority interest)                                   
 x 100
 Total risk weighted assets                                                   
 FIM Group Corporation
 Risto Perttunen
 For additional information,
 please contact:
 Risto Perttunen, CEO, tel. +358 9
 6134 6303
 Timo T. Laitinen, CFO, tel. +358
 9 6134 6525
 Helsinki Stock Exchange
 The main media
 FIM is a growing investment
 services group that offers asset
 management, brokerage and
 investment banking services for
 private individuals and
 organizations. Since March 2007
 FIM is part of Icelandic
 financial group Glitnir
 ( In
 addition to the head office in
 Helsinki, FIM has regional
 offices in Espoo, Jyväskylä,
 Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu, Riihimäki,
 Tampere, Turku and Vaasa. FIM
 also operates in Stockholm and
 Moscow. The company had net sales
 in 2006 of EUR 82.0 million, and
 it posted operating profit of EUR
 19.1 million. FIM had a payroll
 of 284 employees at the end of