Resolutions at Annual General Meeting of RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ)

Resolutions at Annual General Meeting of RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ)

The Annual General Meeting of RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ), which was held
on May 15, 2007, passed the following resolutions, among others.

Johan Löf, Erik Hedlund, Carl Filip Bergendal and Hans Wigzell were re-elected
members of the Board, with Erik Hedlund as Chairman of the Board. Thomas
Pousette was re-elected deputy member of the Board. It was resolved that the
number of Board members shall be four (4) and the number of deputy members shall
be one (1).

The Annual General Meeting resolved that the director fees to be paid to Board
members who do not receive a salary from any Group company shall total SEK
550,000 for the period until the next Annual General Meeting, of which the
Chairman of the Board shall receive SEK 330,000 and each other elected Board
member who does not receive a salary from any company in the Group shall receive
SEK 110,000. 

In accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors and the President, the
Annual General Meeting resolved that the difference between the company's
earnings brought forward, amounting to a loss of SEK 197,602,000 and the profit
for the year of SEK 24,116,000, be covered by a reduction of the statutory
reserve in the amount of SEK 173,486,000 and that SEK 0 be carried forward and
that no dividend be paid for the fiscal year.

The Board of Directors and the President were discharged from personal liability
for the 2006 fiscal year.

For further information:
Johan Löf
President and CEO, RaySearch Laboratories AB
Telephone: +46 (0)8-545 061 30

About RaySearch
RaySearch's business concept is to provide innovative software to radiation
therapy clinics for more effective radiation treatment of cancer. RaySearch, a
spin-off from Karolinska Institutet, was formed in 2000. Through a licensing
agreement with Philips, the company's first product, p-RayOptimizer, has to date
been sold to approximately 1,000 hospitals internationally and more than 100,000
patients have received improved radiation therapy. A licensing agreement was
signed with Nucletron at the beginning of 2004 and deliveries of the first
product based on this partnership, n-RayOptimizer, began in April 2005. In
February 2006 an agreement was signed with Scanditronix-Wellhöfer regarding
development of products for improved quality assurance of IMRT. In October 2006,
RaySearch signed an agreement with Philips covering the development of products
in adaptive radiation therapy. In November 2006 RaySearch signed a development
and license agreement with Nucletron regarding treatment planning for proton
therapy in cancer treatment. In May 2007, a long-term collaboration agreement
was signed with Varian Medical Systems to develop advanced treatment planning
for radiotherapy of cancer. Varian is the leading supplier of equipment for
radiation treatment. 

RaySearch is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange's Nordic List in the Small
Cap segment in the Health Care sector. RaySearch is based in Stockholm and
currently has 30 employees.

